Saturday, May 12, 2018

Community Garage Sale part 1

We remembered the picture we took a few weeks ago, about the Community Garage Sale in the very-close town of Cranbury. So we figured it was a nice way to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon and get some pictures to share.

Big sign above the road. Not really necessary unless you were just driving by and figured it was normal for people to have tables set up outside their homes full of stuff.

Click on the "Read more" below to see what we found?

Close to where we parked, this old building was in front of the school. Wonder what the black charring around the door is from?

These look as alien as you could get. What planet has a sport with suction cup rackets?

A lot of the houses were very antique-looking themselves. If only we could somehow get away with wandering through all the houses, instead of just rummaging through the junk they put on the tables.

This tree was pretty. Sorry the photo didn't quite capture how "pink" the flowers were.

Lake over there. We had parked the car and were walking down the street, but it felt a lot like we were out for a bike ride. Just y'know, without the bike.

Zoom in and read some history if you want. Are some of these houses THAT old?

Nearby graveyard with Civil War vets in it. Even though that happened a long time ago we should still make sure to remember it.

Big 'ole mill stone, don't crush meeeeee!!!!!

The local Inn. This is the type of place your Dungeons & Dragons adventure begins. As you and your companions are relaxing at the Inn, suddenly, a crazy wizard burst through the door...

We did get to explore a few buildings that invited us in. This one had some kind of theatre stage area.

Tables full of junk! Or treasures? Let's go find out.

What's the name of the comic strip with the cute cavemen guys? I'm too lazy to look it up right now. There they are on some glasses.

Who would want used swimming goggles? You just KNOW somepony spit in those.

Nice old rocking chair. No place in our apartment for it, but it was still calling out to us to take it home. Probably somepony's favorite chair for a long time.

It wasn't even that late, like 1 o'clock, and already this guy was putting away his pin cases. We got a picture of some but later thought we might have gotten one if we found a good one. Oh well.

I guess we should have been here a few hours earlier there were some empty tables.

It was a pretty relaxing afternoon being all nosy and looking at stuff. There was a feeling like most people were just going to throw away anything that didn't sell, so they were really not asking for much.

If your name is "Albie" and your fingers fit these holes, than this is probably YOUR bowling ball. Because there is little chance some other pony named Ablie is going to see this and go "It even fits my fingers!"

 A little bit of a "meta" item, a book about antique collectibles, among a bunch of antique collectibles. Woah.

 Old bottles. Probably did NOT use to contain witchcraft ingredients. Probably.

This bunny looked quite surprised we took it's picture. You can read that last sentence a couple different ways and I think it fits.

Aha! I think these old McDonald's Happy Meal Neopet plushies count as a treasure? They reminded us that it's been a while since we checked on my friend's Neopets. I think TheKyootnis is still doing just fine but she may be a little hungry right now.

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