Thursday, March 21, 2019

Toy Fair 2019 Super 7

Back to the 2019 New York Toy Fair! I mean, back to the pictures. There's a company called Super 7 and they had a small booth, but we managed to get a bunch of cool pictures from there. Enough to separate them into their own posting. Let's see what they got!

I'm not sure if this mummy is supposed to be from anything in particular. It was standing on a giant base which we cropped-out of the photo. Oops! It says Super 7 that's probably important for them.

They had a lot of cool stuff click on the "Read more" below!

A lot of ponies would recognize the "Re-Action" figures, which are new figures made in the same style as the old 1980's Kenner Star Wars figures. So they are not really the best most accurate figures but that's kind of the charm.

They also picked up the M.U.S.C.L.E. theme so they are making a lot of figures based off of those. In case you need reminding, that's Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere.

The name in the corner says Shogun, but that giant robot looks like Tranzor Z. There's probably some translation issues going on here.

Mega Man M.U.S.C.L.E.! There are certainly enough characters from the many games to want to collect. Who's your favorite?

These look like M.U.S.C.L.E. figures but they come in blind boxes and are called Keshi Surprise? Here's some from She-Ra. Hehe She-Ra has muscles alright.

These Transformers Keshi Surprise figures look really cool even though they obviously don't transform. I don't see any vehicles they must be robots only.

It's cool to see Pee Wee's Playhouse getting some figures. Let's all remember Lawrence Fishburne played Cowboy Curtis. Yep. Morpheus from The Matrix was on Pee Wee's Playhouse. A Lot.

Also cool to see more Robotech figures, we don't know how expensive these figures are but typically Robotech gets large expensive things so these should be a ton less. Also check out the robot doing the M.U.S.C.L.E. jump pose under the logo haha.

Toxic Avenger! If any one toy could get away with being packaged in a bucket of slime, this would be it.

Not sure what's up with these Masters of The Universe clear and gold variants. Somepony's exclusives probably. Who wouldn't want a gold He-man?

Is that Gear Head from Rick and Morty? Also here; kids loved Modulok you could take him apart and re-build him with extra arms and stuff. And who's the cat girl? I don't remember her episode but cat girls are always welcome wherever.

Shadow Weaver was the grown-up sexy evil version of Orko. They should have given her the hat, too. And check out the Dolph Lungren movie version of He-Man. About time!

Here's Skeletor and some other guy from the movie version of He-Man. How come that has not yet been re-made into a recent movie? Anypony have any ideas who they could cast for that? Who said "Aquaman?"

Check out the Ghost and Goblins figures! The game's gimmick was that the Knight could be hit once and instead of just dying, his armour would break off and he would run around in his underwear until he got another armour. So there's an underwear figure, too. And good luck explaining that to everypony who asks why you have an underwear figure on your shelf.

We have no idea what this The Worst line is from, but they certainly don't look like the worst figures we've seen.

Bigger figures from Pee Wee's Playhouse. I like how the package cards match the crazy door from the show.

We've seen other lines of figures copying the Masters of The Universe style, so here's them returning the favor and copying the old Star Wars figure style. 

Anypony watch Svengoolie on MeTV? They show all sorts of classic movies like these figures would be from.

 Super 7 also had a bunch of cool t-shirt designs. I thought we took more pictures of them but I guess not. This Dinobots design was the coolest one.

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