Wednesday, April 3, 2019

2019 Toy Fair Cute Things

How many Little Ponies out there are tired of checking out pictures from the 2019 New York Toy Fair yet? It's okay since it's been a few boring weeks for us, so we wouldn't have much else to share anyway. Here's a bunch of cute pictures to cheer you up.

Here's some Puglie figures of a Pug um, hiding in food? I guess it's cute, but also a little horrible at the same time. Haha of course there's a hot dog one.

Hug on the "Read more" below!

We wandered past the Calico Critters fortress-booth and didn't quite feel like asking to look around. We mostly were curious if they had any squirrel figures, maybe we could get us a Turbo if we could.

Here's a Jackelope puppet. Fun because that's not a real animal but maybe people think it is.

So many puppets! That frog on the right looks very happy.

There's a squirrel for us. But the real funny part of this picture is that owl with a permanent "surprised!" face. How could you relax around that thing?

That cute Cerberus. Was Cerberus the origin of the "triple dog dare?"

These little Tokidoki Supermarket Besties are adorable! I wonder if they would sell them in actual grocery stores.

Here's a giant display of cute things. Sometimes you just have to take pictures and look through them later to see everything.

Nopony's got time to look through this! It was a little silly to ask them if we could take pictures, obviously this is a picture type of display.

These plushies had neat colors and patterns. Amazing how much of a difference some color and pattern changes make.

The Half-Toys people always smile big when we tell them we think their designs are the cutest. Is this not the cutest shark you've seen?

They said this mouse was new. Looks like it should have a wind-up key in its back?

Here the packages, shows them opened up so you can see the insides. Gross? But they are so cute!

How adorable is this? Instantly turned meal time into play time. Good luck un-teaching your kid NOT to play with his food.

You be the shovel sweetie and Mommy is going to be the hoe. What? We're gardening the food, silly.

These Minty-esque bears are cute, but wait. It's not really two bears but like Siamese-twin bears? Why is one happy and one worried? Does he not like the flavor of the lollipop?

Board Game characters? Cool! But what is that on the Battleship, a hippo? Did we miss something?

Giant fries! Good luck not being hungry all the time if this is in your room.

 Did somebody just stab that Juice Box in the head? Yeouch!

Well, we can official say we saw something at the Toy Fair that was totally crap. Giant, rainbow-colored with wings crap.

 I won't end with a crappy picture. This robot puppet with his one-wheel wants to join your Cyberball team.

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