Thursday, December 17, 2020


Not too much adventuring happening with the early darkness, so these pictures are just random nonsense again. But those are fun to share, too.

Taco Bell had a baseball World Series promotion where if any player "steals" a base, you get to "steal" a taco. So here's our stolen taco. My goodie-goodie friend was a little hesitant at participating in a fictitious crime, but then again, they don't arrest baseball players for stealing bases, so the false-terminology would also apply to this stolen taco.

We already have the classic-size figure of Hondo Ohnaka's astromech droid R5-P8, but enjoyed seeing the larger Black Series version as a Galaxy's Edge Outpost exclusive. If you ever venture out to the planet Batuu, look out for the real R5-P8 right below Hondo during the cargo run briefing.

Is it just me, or does it look like Ariel could have a "what are you doing, get off my back!" look on her face? Watch where you put those fins!

A Dungeons & Dragons cookbook? Do you think any of these recipes are any good? Roll some dice! No? That's not how this works?

On a night with nothing to watch, we flip over to some WWE wrestling. It's been a while since we've seen one of those shows. Cool to see Jeff Hardy still going strong, but even cooler was this awesome paint job on his face! It was so cool, we had to get a picture to share.

Also wanted to share a picture of the "crowd" in the background. I have to wonder how many of those webcam views are live, watching this. Just seems like a very uncomfortable viewing experience, you think? Leaning forward, watching it on your laptop instead of your probably-much-larger television set and comfy couch. Those are some dedicated fans!

It feels like I've taken this picture before, and I probably said the same thing about how much torture this would be, smelling the house up like KFC chicken, and NOT ACTUALLY HAVING any chicken to eat. That's plain evil.

We snatched up some Gingerbread Oreos. They were alright. Not as mind-blowing as we thought, but still pretty good. The cream has peppermint sparkle crunches in it.

Peppermint Ice Cream time! A seasonal favorite. Saw it right next to the bizarre-titled "Hot Chocolate" ice cream. Is it hot? No... Then how can it be called that?

Oh, looks like I took a picture of us trying out those Gingerbread Oreos. They were not as gingerbread-y as we imagined. Maybe we need to get some actual gingerbread cookies to compare them to. Yeah, that's why we need more cookies. It's for science.

Every once-in-a-while, we'll pick up some Pokemon cards if they match some of our game's crew. Here's a Hatterene from Pokemon Shield that was one of our favorites. Let me pass this off of the couch down to Mini-Minty on the floor...

Thanks, Regular-sized Minty! Whoa, this card is heavy for me, since I'm soooo tiny!

Hahaha having fun with photography tricks and the giant card included in the set. Did that look neat? If you are curious, Hatterene is actually not a very good pokemon, she's got a terrible speed stat! Looks cool though. And by the time we realized her speed was not going to get any better, she had already become a good friend so we stuck with her.

Finally got a picture of a squirrel using our tiny picnic table as it should be. They usually sit on the top of the pole instead. 

Is it lame that while stopped at a red light, my friend glanced over and thought "that's a cool font!" So why not grab a picture of it. Anybody else get excited over fancy lettering styles? No? Yeah that's what I told him.

Caught the Netflix movie Over the Moon on the recommendation of a friend. It was an original but Disney-Pixar-quality animated movie. There was a chase scene in the movie revolving around Biker Chics and this doll. I like seeing "good merchandising" so it's cool to see the doll is actually available. Sometimes I think I over-explain these pictures; do I?

Another lame red light picture, as my friend glances over any thinks "That's a clever logo for a tile company!" Any logo fans in the audience tonight? No?

I added the photo-edits to show where to look in the background, but while out at the mall one day, we saw the Google Maps car driving around! We tried to chase it, but lost it. There's still a chance our car would be on the camera since it passed right in front of us at one point!

We circled the mall a few times and just when we were about to give up, we saw it parked in the lot! The weather looked like it was about to rain, and the driver had just packed up the camera and folded it down. Still, we quickly drove near it and got a very good picture of the car.

This requires some over-explaining. There was a huge mis-judgement in this concept from the team over at The Mandalorian. One episode had The Child playfully snacking on these eggs. Which I guess they thought would be "cute" and "funny". Except the episode pointed out they were an adorable Frog Lady's only hope at her species not going extinct. So fans were disgusted and horrified when Baby Yoda gleefully pops them into his mouth! Over and over again. And here's a toy to remind you of the outrage this episode caused.

Wasn't the Wonder Woman Jet supposed to be invisable? I was going to put some commentary here about when can I see this movie already, but it seems like a petty thing to be worried about when obviously we can't have packed theatres and stuff right now.

Can we get Tim Burton to design characters more? Would that work? Just have him do the character designs for other people's movies. I mean, he's a great director, too. Okay just hire Tim Burton to do the whole movies then.

Chase-variant Zartan! The original Zartan was one of the first toys with color-change-in-sunlight plastic. So he changed between peach-flesh color and... grey? Yup, he's a master of disguise!

Whoa! We ate lunch IN THE RESTAURANT! Which doesn't sound like it should be anything to mention. Except, we all know it's a big deal right now. As good as it felt, it was also very strange. Don't worry, one day we'll take this for granted like we always had.

The one thing everybody remembers about this show is "No Whammies, No Whammies, No Whammies!" So what do they give you? A Whammy! Mind blown!

Want the whole series of The Jetsons or The Flintstones? The reason I took this picture is because I noticed on the back it mentions it also includes a bonus movie The Flintstones and WWE: Stone Age Smackdown! What? I have to watch that! And it better include STONE Cold Steve Austin and THE ROCK. Haha they already have perfect Flintstones names!

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