Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Star Wars Easter

 Should I stop trying to have any sort of intro for the regular ole' pictures posts? Is it hard to come up with some kind of theme, or am I just a little lazy about it? Anyway, enjoy some fun stuff we saw while being around town.

I can just hear The Mandalorian in my head calmly saying "Take that off. You're not wearing that." in response to Grogu's Easter outfit. Um... Is there Easter in Star Wars? 

Check out the steam coming off of those fries! Just now I realized; I think I go to Stewart's for the cheese fries rather than the hot dogs or root beer. 

It's a plushie of a... dumpster fire? If you're old like me, "Dumpster Fire" is modern slang: It's often used to refer to situations that are disastrous due to extreme incompetence or negligence, and it typically implies that such a situation is out of control and is very unlikely to be fixed. So... that's going to need some cuddles.

How hilarious is this for merchandise? The Yeti from Monsters Inc. who offered our heroes "Yellow Snow Cones" of... questionable origin. C'mon, kids, we all know what yellow snow cones implies, right? Well... this bit of merchandise is.... SCENTED! Ha! For the record, I did not try to smell this, to see if it smelled like.... y'know.

You might have to examine this picture to see it, but that guy put up a little pole stand for his phone, so he could get a happy selfie of himself, all proud of his new electric car charging. We watched the "show" for a hot minute, as he took several and went back and forth to check them. Thanks for saving the planet, dude!

Did you all get Shamrock Shakes this year? What do you mean you forgot?! Am I not Minty enough to remind you ...all the time? Where's Minty? At McDonald's the Shamrock Shake! They're literally minty!

As obscure as this might seem to be, I bet everybody still remembers Mr. DNA from the Jurassic Park movie. Who playfully explains to the audience the science that revived the dinosaurs. It's much more believable when it's told to you by a cartoon, as if you were a child.

While this might seem like an awesome epic moment among all of Star Trek, it is possibly one of the saddest things I've ever seen. I kinda don't want a constant reminder of this on a shelf to see all the time.

I guess it's a good time to be named Brandon, with everybody cheering you on everywhere. Sigh.

My friend is a big fan of these Harry Potter books... Lego sets. They look like books and they open up to reveal scenes from the movie. They can even be kept on the bookshelf hidden among the other real books!

Hahaha! It's The Darksaber from Star Wars being used as a lamp! Could you imagine being in Star Wars, finding an old lightsaber and you're thinking "Hey, that's a neat LAMP!" Hahaha! So funny.

I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want. Yo! Tell me what you want, what you really really want!

Not only is this Chip and Dale, it's the Rescue Rangers versions of 'em! So it multiplies the cool-ness.

Similar-sized Lego sets, yet the Aston Martin cars cost $10 more than the Mercedes cars. I thought we were buying Lego Bricks, not actual cars. I mean, it's more understandable how real cars would cost more, but these are Bricks. You mean, we're just paying for the "name"? And suddenly the automotive industry implodes!

Hmm... lots of POP Figure pictures this time, just a coincidence. I have some friends who are She-Ra fans. This is the original 80's She-Ra if I need to point that out. I'm actually not sure what they think of the new modern She-Ra show. I thought it was okay, myself. But classic She-Ra is classic for good reasons.

My friend stared at this for a while trying to justify any possible reason he would need a little character backpack. It even says "Yub nub" on the back of it! So adorable! He couldn't think of a reason, so we passed on it.

Little collectible Tokidoki Unicorn figures based on Zodiac signs. Just our luck, the Gemini one is actually two unicorns so it's twice as expensive! Eh, it was still fun to see it though. You can't collect everything you want, right?

Flipped through a "Dad Jokes" book and got a good laugh out of that one on the top. So congrats, we got a picture of the lame joke. Yeah it's stupid, but that's the point. 

Biker Scout tagged from The Mandalorian series. That means It's definitely the one played by Jason Sudeikis who punched the bag that Grogu was being kept in. The Shore Trooper was also a specific guy picked out of a background scene who was just trying to get some lunch. Sometimes... it feels like the action figure guys... are... paying attention to background meme characters.

The way the Sun and Earth rotations works out, well without getting all "math" here, the sunset was right down this road today, so I kinda felt like getting a picture of it. It was a lot harder to drive down this road than this picture might look like.

Should I be the nerd that points out the cat is not upside-down in the Upside-Down? Does that make it an even stranger Stranger Thing?

It's not a Gingerbread House, it's a Peeps Chicken Coop! Just... Brilliant. Seriously, great idea.

It's a mini tub of Cool Whip! So you can always point to it and say "Coo Hwip" like Stewie on Family Guy.

Why did I find this so funny? We are each the main character of... something. I suppose it would be just as funny to have said "background character".

Huh? I picked up a cute Hot Wheels car for no reason, and discover some kind of secret? There's a little symbol to look out for, see it on the hood? These particular cars are just produced in less quantity than the rest, so they are more rare. Apparently they've been doing this for a while. They even call them Treasure-Hunt Cars. I do like hunting for treasures! Haha.

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