Friday, November 24, 2023

Shopping Day!

 Have a bunch of shopping pictures on this shopping holiday! It's not the same as it used to be, but you can still get excited if you want.

Am I on the planet Batuu? Nope! I'm in the Disney Outlet Store in Jersey Gardens Mall. I spotted some Galaxy's Edge exclusive merchandise there. It feels a little bit like I'm in a multiverse situation here, as this is supposed to be available only "in" the Star Wars universe.

We saw this puppy at the park, too. But not sure if this is a park-exclusive thing. Lucky the Pizza Dog was in the Hawkeye Disney+ series. Can I be Minty the Pizza Pony and get to eat pizza all the time, too? It's implied by the name!

Another park-exclusive thing, this one is from the Avatar planet of Pandora. It's not unobtanium, but still cool to get something from another planet, without having to travel all the way to it.

More park exclusive stuff! This one is from The Guardians of The Galaxy area. Although technically this is from the now in-universe area in the theme park. So this is from another planet, but is actually sold on Earth. Does that even make sense? Who pays this much attention to where merchandise comes from?

Oddly purple-hued Chip and Dale stickers. Why the purple? Eh, it looks cool, I guess?

These were flat printed acrylic displays that looked cute. This character Kuromi is an edge-y goth pal of Hello Kitty.

Shin Chan! Yup, he's going to need those bandages. Get a few extra packs for him.

I might have gotten a picture of this before, but it's adorable to get the little coin-swipe cat box as Hello Kitty. It you haven't seen one of these, the idea is that you put a coin in the spot and Hello Kitty will pop up and swipe it. Over and over again. There might be some kind of deep morale here about buying Hello Kitty merchandise swiping all your coins?

The printed flat acrylic standing figure is a neat idea to get a "figure" to look exactly like the illustration. Like, exactly. To be fair, when they make real figures out of these images, they are usually really good, too. But a lot more expensive than these things.

It's cool to see candy with this much Pokemon merchandising all over them. But let's not forget to stop and appreciate the funny name on this: Crunky.

Nendoroid pins! Cool to see them making a lot more of these. You gotta yell this guy's name INUYASHA! Have you seen the show? They always yell his name.

Japanese Pokemon card packs! Right here, it says my Pikachu is indestructible! You can't read it? Well, that's what it says!

Fun story here. I took this picture because I've seen a lot of merchandise for this show Spy Family, and I was planning on watching it, and I would maybe have wanted a picture to look at later. Well, since then, I HAVE seen a bunch of episodes. And totally YES it is amazing and worthy of having this amount of stuff. The show is so much fun.

Would you like a small amount of spoilers to entice you to watch it? Do you need any? Look at little Anya Forger! Sooooo cute! If you can believe it, she's even CUTER on the show! I'm telling you... Maximum cuteness. If I tell you she's the cutest thing you can imagine, she will still exceed your expectations.

Giant robots and cute girls! Japan knows that's a great combo. Did you need more pictures of anime merchandise? There's a lot of it at this mall.

I saw this character Sango from the show Inuyasha and was like "she better come with the poison-proof mask. So I turned over the package, and sure enough, Nendoroid is gunna know what you want! Was there any doubt? I'm more surprised by the blushing facial expression, which is her response to the other character Miroku's introduction-catchphrase "Would you bear my children?" line. Yeah you gotta watch the show to really get that one.

I have no idea how these work, but I've seen this before. Something about buying merchandise and getting these little tickets. It's supposed to encourage you to buy more in order to get exclusive stuff. Maybe it's good I don't know how it works, otherwise I might be tempted to buy more stuff.

Another thing I see a lot of in these anime stores. It's like a cracker or snack of some kind, but with a trading card. In America, we were doing little bubble gum sticks with trading cards. I should have gotten some out of curiosity, but they were kind of pricey so I passed.

RWBY characters! I have a friend who is a huge fan, so have an extra merch pic for 'em.

So much merch for Hello Kitty's friend Kuromi. Keep it up, you adorable kitty! Um, she is a kitty, right?

It's fun to see the whole My Little Pony gang looking like they are tough. Also fun that it doesn't seem out-of-character for any of them.

Went back into the Disney Outlet store to grab a picture I forgot to get of the silly Chewbacca plushie from the Life Day special. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT look into that. The silly plushie is all you need.

On the long way home from the mall, we get lucky to be stopped at the light in front of the fire station with the cool metal sculpture. I think I've gotten a picture of this before, but I'm not going to pass up this unlikely opportunity to get it again.

More figures for twin-power'd Tomax and Xamot. I might have some friends who are twins and are fans of these G.I.Joe characters. How often do they make characters that match exactly YOU?

Yikes. How inappropriate to have baby toys for "Suicide Squad." Just the name alone. Even without the context of the premise of the movie. I know these are ironically for grown-ups. Still feels kind of wrong. Is that the point?

Do I need to say anything about this? Kitty socks.

And that's the bottom line... 'cause Stunning Steve Austin says so! Yep, this guy later became the much-more-famous Stone Cold Steve Austin. In case you didn't recognize him.

This more of a personal story, but we had a squirrel a few years ago who would run (RUN!) up to us to get some Honey Teddy Graham treats. We named it Turbo. So to see the Mario Kart tie-in, I thought of turbo-boosting the karts and got a smile out of it.

I'll say it again, wands are so much cooler with the crystals on top of them. When you write with this pen, be careful you don't spell yourself in the face by accident!

Is this appropriate? Italian Meatballs next to the Mario and Luigi characters? I feel like this might not be cool. But also a little hilarious, too.

Not really a shopping picture, but this was in the mix here, so I'll give it a comment. Sorry to bust Panera Bread on the blog, but they totally did not fill up my Mac n Cheese container. Is it good that I mention them, but in a bad way? To be fair, it's really tasty, but I'd like to get the portion I paid for.

I stitched-together a few pictures for this one; here's me watching the Spy Family show. I was watching the Japanese-spoken version and came across this conversation. Little Anya talks bad and the father Loid asks where she heard that. In the Japanese language you clearly hear her say "A-ni-me" but they subtitle it as "my cartoons." There's a huge amount of anime fans that will scream at you if you call precious anime "a cartoon" yet here it was on Crunchy Roll as that. It's a funny line either way, it's just stunning to see an official translation like this.

My McDonald's Cup is a star! Probably not THIS ONE CUP was in those things. But this might be one of the stunt doubles.

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