Friday, March 15, 2019

Brick It, More New York Toy Fair 2019

Here's a bunch of pictures from the 2019 New York Toy Fair all about the blocks! It's still a little odd that other companies "get away with" copying Lego blocks. We all KNOW they are "Legos" it seems more than a little unfair. To their credit, Lego has remained the popular brand and the copiers are almost unnoticed. Except by Minty, because we got pictures to share.

Emmet! From the new Lego Movie 2. Also, does anypony recognize the person on the left? She has like a professional looking camera guy and everything. Did I just get a bonus celebrity picture?

Apologies to the unrecognized news reporter who is obviously so popular she isn't even wearing the press pass badge. Click on the "Read more" below for more bricktures.

The Lego booth is a steel fortress. Nopony getting in there without an appointment. If you need an appointment, what's the reason they are even at the show? That's got to be why Hasbro is never here. Why is Lego here?

Close up of the Lego vomit waterfall. Blargh! Haha. Play with some bricks while you wait in this tiny lobby area for your appointment.

The giant sculptures around the booth are made from smaller "real kid" designs. I hope those kids win these after the show is over.

Photo op you can sit on. I'm fine on the nose over here.

The pictures on the walls are kid designs, too. Here's an Escape Car. Jillian at age 6 is already planning her bank heist with a car that's triple faster than the cops. It's good to give kids goals at an early age.

Here's some tiny blocks. These are different enough from Lego to not really count as a cheap rip-off. National Monuments are always popular.

Here's toy art of an art gallery. Is this going into the gallery? If it's in the gift shop of the art gallery, does it still count as being art in a place? Okay new life goal: get some merchandise in The Louvre gift shop. Then we can totally legit say we went to Princeton and we have Artwork in The Louvre.

This tiger looks like it's got thousands of those tiny little blocks in it! How long would it take to put together? And it's not even that big. Is that a good thing?

This roller coaster looks like it's pretty rough. They had all kinds of mini theme park rides reminding us it's been a while since we've been to a theme park.

Giant Apocalypse Unikitty looks mad she is being sat around by lunch gobblers. Is everypony numb already to giant Lego statues? Have we seen too much of that already?

They had a replica of Emmit's House to sit in for photo ops. Here Minty looks SUPER SMALL if this were real-sized Lego. Is this what Ant Man feels like? Ant Minty?

Who wants a zombie on their key chain? Hope you have like a metal pocket or something so it can't bite your leg.

BOOM! It's the Angry Bird Bomb Bird! The real power of this bomb is realizing it's NOT Lego.

The company's name is Edukie, and they had sets and characters for Angry Birds that completely match what Lego did with the theme a few years ago.

Did the Angry Birds people retain these graphic character block styles? I can understand a little if the okay-to-copy-Lego thing revolves around mechanical brick designs, similar to the thought of somepony copyrighting a wrench or screws, but surely these characters count as "Art" and therefor "Lego?"

They even have new characters designed in the same style as the Lego versions. I'd really like to see them standing next to the Lego ones, because these look exactly the same.

According to thier catalog, there's going to be a new 2019 Angry Birds movie. Not sure the game is popular enough still, but it is a fun game and the previous movie was honestly good. So we shouldn't be too surprised to find that out.

It will be very interesting to see if these non-Lego sets make it to the stores and sell to customers who do not realize they are not actually buying Lego sets. The Kids will certainly say "Mommy I want the Angry Birds Legos!" And is Mom really going to say "That's not Lego, it actually Edukie."

Cobi is another block company. Lego doesn't want to promote warfare buy having current-style military sets, so the other companies fill that gap eagerly. What's going on over here guys?

OMG I don't really think it's appropriate to add a funny caption here. But this type of scene is definitely too intense for Lego to want to make. Although if you wanted to make this out of "Lego" bricks, you probably could.

 Those guys up there have a majorly unfair advantage! This display is starting to depress me. It's a good thing the good guys wound up winning that day. It's still a bummer to think of though.

Funny to think of the idea of this space craft is just, eh it's falling super fast and then it has a parachute. I guess the simple idea turns out to be the best idea.

Hey a Smithsonian license gives this a lot of street cred. You think Lego is just too overwhelmed with opportunities to care about not being in museum gift shops like this?

 My friend really likes the artful design of these early tanks. Would it be possible to remove the cannons and just turn this into a moving apartment? I mean, sure you could do it with the toy bricks.

 Leaving the Toy Fair, we caught this lonely brick dino hiding over there. Why was he hiding? It's okay you don't need to be scared of the big bad Lego bricks.

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