Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Toy Fair 2019 Playmobil

I know we've been posting a lot of pictures from the 2019 New York Toy Fair, at a pace a little quicker than usual. So if you missed anything, y'know you can go back to check out the ones you've missed. Playmobil let us into their booth this year so let's see what's there!

These were blank figures meant to mark some special, possible spoiler, set from the How to Train Your Dragon 3 movie. We asked if they sold just these cool plain white figures and they laughed and said no.

Click on the "Read more" for more pictures?

That guy is standing on the water? He looks like a secret agent but that's some cool tech to stand on the water like that. We tried to move him but all of the displays here are glued down.

Where's Minty's Noah's Ark travelling buddy? Wait, what do the buddies do again? [blushes] What kind of cruise is this, Noah?!

From How to Train Your Dragon 3. Whoa is that baby dragon like part black and part white? Is this a spoiler from the movie? Looks like the main character over there is rocking that beardy beard.

Let's go shopping! Car tattoos should be more of a thing. I was taking pictures kind of fast here and just noticed the bicycle shop over there. My friend likes riding his bike a lot.

Classic Ghostbusters gang all together in one set. The little upside-down pyramid there goes on your phone and projects a hologram Slimer to catch.

I didn't shrink, they are offering extra large versions so you can really show off that you are a fan of Playmobil. It's like the toy equivalent of ALL CAPS!

This is Del and he's going to be in The Playmobil Movie. Yes they made a Playmobil movie. Due out in Europe in July, they have yet to figure out when to launch it in America.

They had a whole line of sets from the movie. Who wants to guess that this truck spills food everywhere during some kind of chase scene?

The movie is something about a kid gets lost in his Playmobil collection and his sister journeys around to find him. Here's some wild west horse and a sign pointing to multiple lands.

This might be a teaser or a spoiler but looks like that horse has some glowy wings on it. Why is that hay bale purple? Does that have something to do with the wings?

Here's some Secret Agent guy from the movie charging up his electric car. Let's hope he doesn't have to go very far, says everypony with an electric car.

This looks like a collection of blind-bag figures from the movie. Look forward to squishing bags later to try and find the ones you want.

The 2nd set of blind-bag figures probably is a little more spoiler-y for the plot? That Black Knight guy looks pretty cool but I can't really see anything that gives away any plot details.

That store display is marked as WIP. If they don't know when the movie is coming out, how can you tell when to put these in the stores? 

Baby Elephant! Awww!

Advent Calendars. Is it cool that you get one tiny thing a day for a whole month, or torture that you want to open them all up now? That's the lesson of the Advent Calendar.

There are actual cookie cutters in the roof of this Christmas Bakery house. That looks like Santa? Is he not satisfied enough with the Toy business, now he wants Cookies, too?

 That Xmas Tree lights up! And check out the super-mini Nativity scene.

Can't get enough similar-but-not-Elsa Ice Princesses? They got a whole collection! These also have the phone app hologram projectors. There was no demo for the hologram thing around.

 Do you think the first person that will walk on Mars is going to be playing with this Space Habitat set, and dreaming of one day walking on Mars? I forget, when are we going to be ready to go to Mars again?

Oh, I forget we are at the Toy Fair. Sorry I don't really have time to get my mane done. Maybe just a quick shampoo, it always feels nice to have somebody running their fingers through your mane.

 This is a training exercise, right? If this were a real emergency, Minty would not be much help.

Pet Shop! It's just like Playmobil to include the giant scooper and rake you see in that wheelbarrow. Because that's what people use for real.


 Mobil Pet Grooming? This is comfy dream job idea.

This Raptor is like "Hey, it's Minty! I check out your blog all the time! Can I give you a hug!?" He looks happy but also, he might just eat me.

 Giant guy-from-How to Train Your Dragon. Did a dragon munch his leg off? We're only a little familiar with these movies maybe we should watch them already.

 Winter Phoenix? Cool!

 I won't say this Ice Castle looks cool. It does, but I won't say it. I'll use the word um, good? Neat? Awesome? Okay, cool it is.

This Yeti pulling the sled looks a little like a Wampa. Hey pal, I got some bad news for you about your cousin that was living on Hoth. You might want to give him a call and ask him if he needs a hand with anything.

Is she really going to ride her bike in that dress? That basket is probably not going to hold those flowers very well, either.

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