Wednesday, October 4, 2017

International Spy Museum Gift Shop

One last bunch of pictures from the International Spy Museum, as the museum exits in the gift shop! What kind of fun things are in a spy museum gift shop?

Kudos to the employees at the International Spy Museum who know their stuff. With the many many pictures we took all around Washington DC, only two people asked about Minty. Both of them were here at this museum! Is this some kind of spy school? Remember that's still my idea!

Click on the "Read more" below to check out fun merchandise!

Haha to all the Lawn Gnome fans, you don't Gnome me!

Aww who would accuse this cute puppy anyway? That face is a spy tactic!

Sure it's funny but do we really want to teach kids to deny everything?

Anypony wearing this hat is surely NOT a spy, right?

This kitty wispers "Hello" in your ear and it's already too late.

Russian nesting dolls with Japanese ninjas. So... much.... spying! Layers upon layers of spying implied.

Not really anything to do with spying, but here's some coasters for the drink holders in your car? I'm not sure that's very effective.

Funny postcards but check out the ninja; we took like the exact same picture earlier. Everypony must take the same picture of that ninja!

Nopony will want to check out that dog doo for your keys in it. Would regular doo work just as well? Haha gross.

We buy Spaghettios! That's too cool! Those are not real soda cans either.

Another funny, not-so-funny shirt for the kids who will now be untrustworthy?

One last picture outside. The stuff in there was entertaining and educational and um, "useful?" if that makes sense. Just keep your eyes more open than you used to and be more careful because it's a good idea.

Had a random picture of the nearby Ford's Theatre that snuck into this group of pictures. Is this picture a spy?

We got a bunch of souvenirs. Literally, this shirt makes no sense, but it's still super cool. The perfect shirt to wear and get your picture taken somewhere you've never been.

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