Thursday, November 7, 2019

Halloween walk around part 1

We were originally not going to get excited about Halloween this year. It was supposed to be rainy and we did the walk-around last year, so we thought it might be okay to give it a soft pass. But I talked my friend into it, mainly just to try and see how well the new super camera would get pictures this year.

My friend wore the same leather jacket and "Lucille" baseball bat that he did last year. It was even more surprising this year how many people still yelled out "NEGAN!" or were heard saying "OMG Walking Dead that's awesome!"

Earlier that day, my friend brought his leather jacket and Lucille to work since there was a costume-okay memo. Nearly everybody freaked out. Either they happily recognized the Negan character, or they didn't and the sight of a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire was very... upsetting. It IS very real-looking you basically have to touch it to make sure it's only plastic.

We parked a little further away than we thought. In the Stone Age apparently. Here we see the Flintstones getting their car ready to go. So right away we see the best costume of the night.

Hightstown is the name of the place with the giant Gothic houses and the closed-off street. I wonder where they advertise such events, and if you could look them up nearby your home towns?

That dog wants it's bone to chew on. Um, watch out dude.

I don't think this is really a Halloween decoration, but it was cool enough to get a picture of. The wings flapped in the wind. Anybody remember Clash of The Titans?

We didn't really feel like walking all around the town, but we did make it over to the fire station next to the big town sign.

The sun is about to set and here's where the blocked-off street starts. Nothing the old camera couldn't handle but this is still probably clearer than we would have gotten.

Random mob of people. I can't remember what I was trying to take a picture of here. Maybe you can see something?

This towne is so olde-timey, they have these horse hitching posts all down the street. So we can park My Little Pony.

Flintstones, meet the Flintstones. They're the modern Stone-Age family. While there were other great costumes, nothing was close to this cool.

Most of the big houses had queue lines for the candy. So many happy kids.

This house was playing the Pixar movie Coco on a sheet in the yard. Way to make my friend tear-up thinking about the movie.

Is this the Targaryen house? They've got dragons.

Safari Guy giving out candy in front of a house with a sign that reads "Deadstock." What kind of theme is this? It's starting to get dark outside but this camera is taking pictures like a champ.

Yes. Somebody built a huge pirate ship in their front yard. Is this okay for kids? Because it looks like it's rated "ARRRRRRR!" Hehe that's my friend's pirate joke he always uses.

This is not related to Halloween at all, but we thought we'd get a picture of this random construction machine siting over here. Got anything you want mushed?

 The mini-steamroller was next to this abandoned house that looked like it could legit be haunted right now. Did the camera pick up any ghosts in the windows?

 The grey sky looked like rain was going to happen at any moment. We did feel a couple of raindrops but thankfully it didn't actual rain while we were there.

 The simple green lightbulbs inside are amazingly effective. So there's a Halloween um, "trick" you can pick up from these people.

 This skeleton was so chillin' that nobody was going up there to get any candy. Is this a trick? Or treat?

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