Sunday, May 8, 2022


Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy some pics with fun comments. There're probably better ways I could be sharing this type of stuff, but this old pony is just sticking with a blog format that we've been doing for a few years now. Stick with what works, I guess. Is that a mother-ly thing to do?

Found this art piece that points out tourist spots to check out. No surprise that New Jersey has a place called "Palace of Depression". My friend joked why is our apartment on this map?

I couldn't get a picture of the "conversation" but recently in a store I overheard a guy telling his son that this villain's name is Robotnik, and not Dr. Eggman like that kid's uncle said. And he was all proud he found some kind of evidence of that. It was funny to me listening to that, and so much wanting to Comic Book Guy-correct him, but I politely did not.

Ha-ha! I'd like to think I'm not this bad, but sometimes... yeah.

Um... what?! Is this okay to be in a regular store?

AHH!! Cute Minty-colored squirrel decorations! If I only had a yard I could put these in.

Oh NO! My friend buys shampoo at the dollar store, because... why pay more than a dollar? Except this time it was.... (dramatic music) $1.25! I'm not going to over-react, but I kind of feel like over-reacting to this, haha...

I saw this funny bit at the end of a Family Guy episode, where Stewie teased they could end with a "to be continued". The freeze frame/sepia tone/guitar riff was a reference to Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure. Good grief, what an obscure reference. But I got it, so it was extra awesome for me. The song is Roundabout by Yes, if you were wondering.

Saw this in the "Dollar" Store, and it was just a very neat and clever idea to have a robot dog that is piloted by an adorable tiny dog. The dog's name is Churro and the back of the package has a bio-file that say "Nothing is scarier than a flying chihuahua with guns." Just great. You are worth so much more, Churro!

McWhoops! I think someone tried to order a Double Cheeseburger with Lettuce and Big Mac Sauce. They hacked the menu!

Every once in a while, they "miss" and the cheese is all hanging off the side of the Quarter Pounder with Cheese. It's impossible to move the cheese, that's all melted at this point. When this happens, do you eat the over-cheesed side first, or last? If there's a debate to be had, my friend says he saves the extra cheese part for last.

Similar to the "pizza is -bad- for you" debate, I really don't have any idea why plastic bags are "bad". I use the extras as trash bags at home, and put the rest in the recycle-here bins at the grocery store. Now I'm going to have to buy plastic bags to use as trash bags. And I'm still not sure why. Are they going to make me look this up?

Did I just call ME a HO? If you put two of these pillows next to each other, you wind up with a HOHO MEME!

I was quick enough to catch this very tired dog resting at this stop light. Poor thing! Aren't dogs supposed to be like, super excited with the head out of the car window? What's wrong, pal?

You know how Taco Bell charges you extra to put this Baja Sauce on your taco? Well... buy some at home and put on as much as you want! For the price of like, two times, you get this whole bottle!

I'm looking at the nice tan station wagon there, with the cherry blossom branch on it, and the package says it's a Datsun 510. That was my friend's first car! Well, he drove cars before that, but that was the first one that was "his".  How many other people have Hot Wheels of cars they owned?

Hawkeye does a cameo on the old Batman TV show! It says it's Hawkeye right there on his shirt!

Easter candy from work! Look at that, they got us a full-sized candy bar! I didn't even have to hunt for it, it was right there in my chair.

Spoiler Alert? Looking over the art book for The Mandalorian Season 2. And all of the production artwork used images of Jedi Master Plo Koon to avoid spoiling away the ending. Even though Plo Koon was last seen in a fire-filled-cockpit, then blown-up space fighter during Revenge of The Sith. Which is as big of a "he totally didn't survive that" moment that Star Wars has ever done.

Squid Game! I can just hear... the old guy's... voice in my head. We watched the series with the dubbing, so we didn't have to read the subtitles. Some people have issues with dubs but I can say the voice acting was amazing if you were worried about it.

We all know what an awesome superhero War Machine is, with his Iron Man suit of armor and all. If his suit is that good, can you imagine what a car version would be like? That car is so much bigger than the suit! Where is the movie about the super car?

TERROR on an ancient skit from The Three Stooges! Yeah prop guns and all, I'm sure that kid was not in any real danger, but... yowza!

For as much as we complain that the burgers on the TV commercials look way bigger than what you actually get, we have to give appropriate notice to when they actually DO look as big as the ones on the commercials! This burger at Dairy Queen is TALL! Wait... am I in a commercial?!

The award for cutest thing ever from Jurassic Park goes to... this adorable Jeep! Did anybody expect those Jeeps to become as iconic as they did?

It was one thing when the Garbage Pail Kids ripped off the Robotech art for a single card, but now there's a figure for it, too! To be fair, it's likely they have permission to use it since that other one has a full-on Bazooka Joe logo on his shirt. Do you think some of this goes back to the Cabbage Patch, too?

Checking out Easter clearance merch, and just admiring the art on the egg decorating kits. It's been a long time since I've done this myself, but I remember that the eggs never come out as cool as you think they will, that they looked a lot cooler on the packages.

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