Tuesday, July 26, 2022

You Never Know

Hey it's Minty again! Just another round of wandering-around pictures to enjoy.

I know it's a little cheap to post pictures where the signs are the whole funny message themselves, but sometimes you want to share those the most. Personally, this phrase usually makes me kinda sad, I'm not sure the toilet paper twist is funny enough.

I'll be the nerd to point out that you often don't need to "click" on 'next episode', just sit back and it does it for you.

Just when I was about to mix-up a funny message with these letters, I realize someone already had done that. So this was not my doing, but good enough to get a picture of.

When I saw this retro travel clock, I felt like I had time-travelled back to like, the 1970's. The design, the shade of yellow... it was odd, but in a fun way.

Is this pillow made of dragon scales supposed to be comfortable? Should it be missing one, so we can shoot the arrow there? Does anybody get that reference?

Sorry book, we've been doing Nachos For Dinner for a while now. It made us laugh to see we are not alone in that.

What a racquet! This Lego Donation Bin was in an actual Post Office. I don't think you can actually use the word "unwanted" in front of "Legos". And yes, I'll be the nerd that points out it's supposed to be LEGO BRICKS and not LEGOs.

It's such a comedy meme about the CVS receipts and the amount of paper they use to print out coupons for you. This is the entire width of the car-long.

Got some Smurf Pez as a gift, and was all excited, but when my friend popped one into his mouth, he realized they were SOUR Pez and... well if you knew him, it was not pleasant. He doesn't do "sour" at all. D'oh!

The Pez tops popped off, and there was a neat little board game involved, but... we're going to need to get some regular flavors of the candy. Random trivia we recently found out about: Did you know that Pez started off as an anti-smoking product?

It was a comedy bit at the time, but "news you can fear" is kind of what we get on TV these days. Way to predict the future, Futurama.

I glanced over and something about the monster and truck combos here was very appealing to the child inside Minty. C'mon, what kid doesn't love a good steam roller?

BUNNY! There's been a lot more giant bunnies around the neighborhood this year. Nature and what-not. Still makes me happy to see them even if they always run away.

Our "nearby" KFC finally re-opened the inside dining room! They've had it close since the whole Covid thing and dragged their feet about cleaning tables or whatever. I'm just glad that we can sit down in the air conditioning and get a refill on the drink, since we have to drive quite a ways to get out here for this tasty sandwich.

I always found it more funny when The Simpsons creates a new character that's a jab at a pop culture thing, rather than make a joke directly at it. Like Rainier Wolfcastle the "actor" playing McBain, are both layered parodies of 80's action movies. Here given 80's-style action figures! It's like time travel into a The Simpsons dimension.

Random Uno card in a parking lot. Blue 1. Does this mean anything to you? Is this some kind of omen?

The squirrels used to bolt away when I opened up the blinds, so it's nice to see them recently. I think now there's a few of them competing for the treats, so they are more reluctant to leave in the middle of eating.

When I overheard some kids talking about what toys they hoped to get in their Happy Meals, I realized that it's similar to... a booster pack of cards! Whoa! Maybe that's why my friend is always tempted by booster packs, it's like, McDonald's is training you.

Zoom in on the tiny chipmunk eating the fallen scraps! Those things are fast! We saw one dart into the corner where we pressed a rock to close the hole in the outside wall, but it might be tiny enough to have gotten around it. It's possible this chipmunk is living in the wall. Hey, neighbor!

More of the nature show; the larger bird was standing still, vibrating it's wings, and squawking like crazy, and the smaller bird was frantically collecting bits of scrap to feed it. Wild. I have no idea what type of birds those are.

Hey! It's a Pokemon Happy Meal box! This set includes the extended-art trainer card, I feel like I want to get a set to encourage them to do more of these types of boxes.

Hahahaha! I don't think so, pal. But... I guess it can still be one-of-a-kind even while standing next to an identical one-of-a-kind. What a crazy universe, right?

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