Sunday, July 3, 2022

Travel Bags

Road Trip! Yeah I'm kinda behind on posting some pictures, this group is from a trip we took down to Virginia back in May. Eh, it's just like, random pictures, but some are from the traveling parts.

This is only funny for us, but New Jersey recently outlawed store plastic bags, so it was trilling to see them in stores again. Like, it's a rebellious act or something.

I think I already took a picture of boldly-named Divine Intervention Ministries, but I don't think the Farm place was next door to it! It shows a Marijuana icon graphic, so we know what type of farm they are talking about. Talk about ironic businesses finding the right spot. Hey man, like... dude! It's totally divine intervention, man! Huhuhuh.

Bracelets being sold on the counter at the Arby's we stopped at. It's for military and first responders! No pressure! You're totally NOT a horrible person if you don't get one. Free "guilt" with every combo meal!

Ugh, they gave us the "Onion" bun even though we asked for a regular one. Now we are stuck with the odd moral choice of sucking it up, or going back in and pointing out they made a mistake. Why is this always such an uncomfortable thing to do?

They were surprisingly chill about it. But... well, this picture doesn't really show it that good, but the "regular" bun was A LOT smaller. Laughably so. They already let me keep the wrong one, so I wasn't about to go back in and complain again. Both sandwiches were pretty light on the roast beef, but between the two of them, minus the onion bun, I guess it worked out to an okay meal.

Stopped at the stoplight next to the gas station with the giant chicken outside of it. I circled it so you could see. It's oddly comforting to pass landmarks that you recognize. We need more silly things on the roads.

Crossover comics for My Little Pony and... Transformers? It's magic, we don't have to explain it! People play with different toys together all the time, why can't they make comics of that?

We looked up this ancient-looking robot on Google which said it was from 1978. And all of a sudden my friend felt kind of ancient.

The best comic shop in the Virginia Beach area, Trilogy, typically packs up half the store during the summer weekends to trek out to various East Coast conventions. Good for them, not so much for us. At least this time there's a sign telling us to ask for a coupon for when they get back. So, that's nice of them at least.

They still have some anime stuff there, here's a figure from a lengthy-titled anime series "Bofuri: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense". Which is a funny concept for a series, but um... you got any defense for your tummy and upper thighs? 

Shin Chan! This is a very funny show. It's been a while since I've gotten any Nendoroid figures, and Shin Chan almost got me. Even comes with the little sister Hima! Nendoroid figures come with swap-able face expresions and arms and stuff so you can pose they in various scenes.

I'm not sure where you have to go to see episodes of Shin Chan, but you should if you can. Remember the days when shows were easy to find? Just looking at the characters on the box makes me smile. Oh, and this particular series is famous for taking the Japanese verion and re-dubbing it in English making it even more funny than it originally was, which was pretty funny to begin with.

I think I have some Dragon Ball to catch up on. I know they added a "girl" Sayan character because her name Caulifla is an obvious reference to cauliflower, a favorite vegetable of my friend (can you have a favorite vegetable?) But I've not seen any of her shows. Now looks like there's a new one named Kale. I'm going to guess nobody likes her, does anybody like kale? I mean the leaf, not the character.

I laughed at the title of the series these figures are from: "Osamake: Romcom Where the Childhood Friend Won't Loose" There's a genre of anime shows which have one main guy who is pursued by multiple different types of girls. One of those types is the girl he grew up with, and it's a huge cliche where that girl never winds up together with the main guy. I know nothing about this series, but I bet it's pretty funny, just by the title alone.

Why did I find it out-of-place to see an Oktoberfest anime character? Those things don't go together! Cute though. I'm standing on Xuanzang Sanzang from Fate: Grand Order. It's actually a functional figure, you're supposed to have it sit on top of your Cup Noodles lid after you microwave it!

Mighty Mouse is another series that has thrived mostly because of the amazing theme song. Here he come to save the day! You know that Mighty Mouse is on his way!

There was an episode of The Simpsons where Homer took off his shirt and sat in a monestary and the monks thought he was the reincarnation of the Buddha! D'oh! ...Nuts! Mmmmm.... donuts.

There's a store here simply called Cool Stuff that started out as a sort-of DVD trading place. Sell your old DVDs and buy the ones you don't have for cheaper. That was a long time ago, it's now evolved into a full-blown anime collectibles place. There's still some DVDs here, but not much anymore.

This little box was $40, and had a sort of mech figure in it from Hatsune Miku. I couldn't quite figure out if it was a random figure or what, so I grabbed a pic to research it later.

More costumes from Hatsune Miku. I wonder if there's a list somewhere of how many figures there are of her. The video game has like, hundreds of costumes. Does she hold some kind of figure record for most costumes?

Not just figures. I saw some trading card game sleeves with her pictures on 'em. If you don't know, you can put your cards in these, which are clear on one side, so you can play with your precious collection without rubbing your fingers all over the cards which would otherwise ruin them.

$530 for a statue of Mumbo Jumbo from the Banjo Kazooie series. Who's that big of a fan of this guy? I mean, sure he's cool, but this seems a little bizarre, right? Did his voodoo magic make this happen?

That's a dice with 100 sides on it. Yup, that's right: one hundred! We asked and they were a whopping $23 each. But... That's only 23 cents per side!

Cardboard cutout of Danny DeVito encouraging you to watch Aggretsuko on that giant TV. This store Cool Stuff certainly earns its name!

More Noodle Topper historical characters from Fate: Grand Order. Ozymandias is recognizable as an Egyptian Pharoah, but you may not know Yang Guifei. She was a Japanese royalty figure who was so alluringly popular that the rest of the royalty forgot how to rule, and their empire collapsed.

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