Monday, October 23, 2023

Thin Book of Dreams

Yikes, I thought I had some content scheduled to post, sorry for the large gap without any pictures. That's what I get for not paying attention. Or, that's what you get? That sounds so much worse. I try to make sure and post something at least once a week, I'll try to pay attention better. Thanks for sticking with me and enjoy the fun pictures and comments.

Hoo boy. That's awfully thin, for something titled "The COMPLETE Book of Dreams". Complete? Really? I did not peek inside to see if the text was like... microscopic. There's gotta be more dreams than that. Bonus points for the thicker book next to it titled "This is What Matters" hahaha. The dreams book is thinner than what matters. Whoa.

This picture was from a while ago, so you probably won't be able to find any of these limited edition Cotton Candy Oreos. I did fall to the temptation of these, they were "alright" and not "amazing" like I thought they'd be. Just get some cotton candy ice cream, that will be what you are looking for with a cotton candy flavor.

I wasn't sure if I should post this picture, but it was on Cartoon Network. On Teen Titans GO!. So kids have seen this. It's a joke referencing the Amazon Prime show "The Boys" which is very much (extremely) not-for-kids. I mean, the joke is intended to "go over the kid's head" but, having seen The Boys, it was such a "YIKES!" moment to see it on a kid's cartoon. So... yikes. If you don't "get the joke" then... good. You shouldn't.

As a kid, did you ever think there should be an Ewok Jedi? They did it! The new Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures cartoon series on Disney+ has a character named Nubs who is a Padawan student. He does the Chewbacca-speech thing where he mumbles nonsense and the other characters repeat what he said. Also, did the creators of the show not use simple Google to remember that there was an Episode 1 collectible card game called "Young Jedi" already? Busted!

Surely this can't be the first time I saw a turtle with rockets on it's back. But it's a cool idea, so I thought I'd get a picture of it. Y'know... because turtles are classically slow, except... when they get rockets.

Google the game Katamari resulted in a taste of the game. The game revolves around a Space Prince rolling around a Katamari ball that sticks to things and rolls them up. Things like the text on the page! In the game you start on a tabletop rolling up thumbtacks and buttons, and as the ball grows you pick up bigger and bigger things, eventually picking up cars and buildings and stuff. It's quirky awesome fun.

That's my phrase that I say all the time! Busted! It was nice to see the Mythbusters in a commercial. Even Buster the Dummy! The myth was that you couldn't clean using cold water, and they busted it. You CAN clean laundry with cold water. And Tide. Let's not forget this is a commercial.

Playmobil with a beach buggy and a figure that is an obvious homage to Mitch Buchannon from Baywatch, right down to the hairy chest. The crazy thing is that Playmobil also did a straight-up licensed set from Night Rider, complete with a David Hasselhoff figure as Michael Knight. I guess actors are different than series, otherwise this could have been a more-sellable real Baywatch set.

Okay, you gotta admit, this is cool. It's obvious, but still really cool. Vinyl record for the Monsters, Inc. Soundtrack.

I'll post this cute thing again, as I spot it in the clearance section. The Purritos are so cute, but half of the charm is that it's wrapped up like a burrito from a restaurant. So opening it is a "moment" that you can only do once. When you see them in the stores, a lot of them have already been opened. Still very cute.

Little miniatures of the classic cartoon Dungeons & Dragons characters! A few of them are eye-rolling-ly modernized, with the Acrobat sporting a lot more clothing, and the Cavalier wielding a sword along with his shield. And there's a new character the package calls Cleric who was not in the cartoon. Was that from a concept sketch? They act like nobody is going to ask these questions.

Flavor Palette. Clever. Get some green apple and make some happy little tongues. Your tongue may be different than mine. That's okay. They're all happy little tongues.

It had been a while since my friend has done this thing, so it was cool to give it a try. Normal, yay! Nice to know all the bike riding is useful for health purposes, after all. I mean, you think it is, but it's nice for the machine to tell you, too.

The box says "cools your mouth as you eat it" um... is that cool? Pun intended, but seriously, is that safe? Are there chemicals here, or is that a trick? How does cereal cool your mouth safely?

Another couple of fun cereals we spotted. I can't imagine what crazy thing the Willy Wonka cereal will do to you. I've seen the movie. Giant blue berry? No thanks. Is it a missed-beat that it's called Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, yet they don't actual have chocolate in the cereal? I mean, the S'mores Lucky Charms work because there's already marshmallows involved. Now I wanna go camping with a leprechaun.

I can't believe of all the crazy Gatorade flavors they have, they made a zero-calorie version of Lime Cucumber! I mean that in a good way, it's one of my favorite flavors! And now I can drink it a lot more without having to worry about the calories!  As a fan of the flavor, I can say it's pretty much the same as the calorie'd version, I can barely tell the difference.

Record scratch. What? Why would there be triangle-shaped Doritos in Pringle-shaped cans? Did you notice? Is this a trick? What is going on here? Pringles and Doritos are not even made by the same company.

Bucky O'Hare sounds like the type of thing you should recognize, but don't. I mean, there's cool action figures for it, even if they wound up at an Ollie's. That duck looks very "Daffy" don't you think? What happened to Duck Dodgers? And, is that a squirrel? I'm a big fan of squirrels.

Also at Ollie's, there was a coloring book for a comic book. I was pondering if this was super-easy to make, or did somebody have to un-color the finished book? How are comic books made? Can they do this with all comics? Like, whatever, color it yourself.

Neopets Cookbook! I got a picture of the tasty Space Quesadilla page. I don't think I knew the Space Faerie's name was Mira. So there's some trivia in the book, too!

Knight Owl. Get it? Because that's what you call someone who stays up late? A night owl? And they used Knight? Hey, just because it's obvious doesn't mean it can't also be cool. I think it's cool.

Busted! Can't they just buy a figure? Somebody went through a lot of trouble to buy a sale figure, Ajak from The Eternals, then buy this Akiko, swap the bodies, and return this one back to Target. Figures are not that expensive, are they? Sigh.

Another "Busted!" as the Keebler Elves demonstrate they are not even casual fans of Looney Tunes. Can you see Daffy Duck dressed as Batman? Clearly we all remember that classic episode where Wile E. Coyote used the Batman suit. I mean, it was green in the episode, but you'll see him dressed as Batman in cross-over material. Daffy Duck is often seen as the Green Lantern.

Saw the new Flash movie in the theatre. What a terrible "message" for a "hero" movie. Can I spoil it for you? They basically say he should give up and not try to fix his mistake, he only makes it worse. So the whole movie is a terrible downward spiral of trying to fix it, and making it worse. Until he finally gives up. That's it. Give up. Go Flash! Way to "give up"! You nailed it finally. For what it's worth, the action and visuals were amazing. It was just a bad moral to the story, is all.

Wow, neat! The soda did some kind of weird thing in the straw here. Good thing I take pictures of cool things like this. Nobody would believe me, and this would be hard to explain without a picture, anyway.

Up-close this Lego Mosaics looked like a random blur, but when you back away from it... it's Mando!

Anybody remember Star Blazers? That show falls into the category of series made more-popular simply becasue of the amazing opening title song. If you need to, look it up, it's a great, memorable tune. Chances are, it's already playing in your head.

I might have already gotten a picture of the $6 Hatsune Miku soda can before. I'm a fan, but am I that much of a fan? Does this thing play a song when you open it?

Did the duck eat the bear? The horror! Nah, it's just a cute costume, right? That's gotta be it.

I'm that pony! The one who has NOT YET seen the Barbie movie! Cool hat though. Had to get a picture of the cool hat.

Did they know he was a Skrull? Is that why he was on clearance? That might be a spoiler if you haven't seen the Disney+ Secret Invasion series. And according to the ratings, you haven't.

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