Sunday, December 17, 2023


 More random nonsense pictures to enjoy!

Yikes. Sorry for this nightmare-inducing picture, but it was so jarring that I felt I needed to share. When the camera zoomed in on this cheering fan, there was also a disturbing wailing moan that up'd the creepiness by several factors. I don't know if they were specifically picking up this fan's noise, or if that was just an unfortunate coincidence, but the whole thing took me right out of the game for a hot minute.

Is this a joke? Did they seriously name this poor Transformer "Trashmaster"? Erhh. Well, it might be trash, but at least he's the master of it.

I think this confirms that I am too much of a Star Trek fan, when I saw this sign and my mind wanted to read it as the Klingon phrase "Today is a good day to die"...

Is this a real dinosaur? The tiny head on the long neck looks like the perfect mix of silly and awesome that I like. 

So funny that this package looks like Sisu the dragon is creepily-sniffing Raya's hair. Mmmmm girl, what's that shampoo you're using?

You know you are in the "rich people" mall when there is a Maserati ad in the middle of it.

Of course I had to take a picture of the price tag. You got an extra $98,180 to spend on a new Maserati Ghibli GT?

Is this a new giant Playmobil guy in front of the store? He looks very shiny and new, but it's possible I already got a picture of it.

I get green! You think the kids at Princeton would have something a little more sophisticated then Connect Four? Busted!

I was walking around this time, not on my bike. Normally this type of picture would show up in a bunch of pictures I get while out for a ride. Princeton school campus, if you didn't know. I could have said Hogwarts and you might have believed me.

Walking through the bookstore, I see this resume letter left carelessly out in the open. Shame on them? I blanked-out the name for the guy but it was right there in the store. Read it if you are bored, I guess. Was this some kind of "art" or "test" or something? Did they leave this out on purpose? Where's the hidden camera?

Last year they came out with small Pokemon booster packs to give away instead of candy on Halloween. The collectors went nuts and snatched them all up. This year, they severely over-compensated and made tons more of them! They're not even new cards, according to my research. I was lucky enough to have got some last year, so I'm included in this year's ignoring-of-them.

Um.... what? Hot Pockets needs to learn math? 260 times 2 is only 520. Where are the other 40 calories coming from?! It does say "per container" do they expect me to eat the cardboard box?

Spaceballs the Snack! Merchandising! Hey, I got a laugh out of it.

It was suuuuuper windy this day, and the water from the fountain was blowing onto the ground around it. That was fun to see. Of course I'm not going over there.

In New Jersey, we don't get free plastic bags at stores anymore, so we have to bring in our own re-useable cloth bags. I saw these cute stuffed animals with bags that come out of them. I didn't get one, but it looked like a cute idea.

Yikes! A whole bin of these we-never-said-the-name Trump dolls at Ollie's. They try and trick you into thinking they were fair by having pictures of Hillary and Bernie on the tag, but all I see here are the Trump ones. You can see there is a lipstick kiss mark on his bottom... that doesn't seem very insulting to me?

Well, there's an answer to a question you never thought you'd have. Apparently, you CAN put the word "Vajajay" on a package in a Walmart. Sometimes the clearance aisle gives you funny surprises like this.

Cool! Unicorn horn sprinkles looked like the perfect size for me to wear!

This seems to me like, if your kid has not yet been to Disney World, this is a bit of a teaser. Like maybe this would only sell to families who have already gone there. I mean, I've been to Disney World, so this is cool for me to see, but I can understand if other kids would be upset by this teasing.

Pokemon cards were back at McDonald's! I overheard the employees telling a customer they HAD to buy a Happy Meal to get some. C'mon people, they're for the kids! But, I can also understand how this frustrates the collectors, too. Must not be that big a deal, I mean, they keep doing it.

Fail! Did they even watch the recent The Flash movie? In the movie he runs with his hands flat, not balled up in fists. They show it a bunch and even make silly visual jokes about it. Why does this action figure have fists?

I already took a picture of the Fart Ninja figures, but just in case you haven't heard about them yet... get it? No, I guess you might not. It says "silent but deadly", but they make fart noises.

WHAT? LAME! They put an ugly wire all around my front door frame? It's not even a wire connected to anything of mine. Argh. Am I being a grumpy-old-pony about this? Who do I even complain about this to? Well, it's not like I look at the outside of my door a lot anyway... but still, it feels like a not-cool thing to do. There're so many other ways they could have put that wire. You can see the one coming out of the wall of my apartment right above the light there, in a nice covering.

We can add "Deez Nuts" right next to "Vajayjay" on that list of words we thought we'd never see on a package in a Walmart. Hey, man, you got anything I can snack on? Yeah.... Deez Nutz!

So cruel! Xmas Tree ornaments that look like little chip bags! I think this is cool, but I gotta wonder how many times these get yanked off the tree by people wanting some Cheetos.

Trading cards for the Disney+ series Loki. I watched both seasons and it was a really great show. But the extra-funny thing to see on this package is the tiny print in the corner that reads "May contain time-sensitive redemptions" which probably means there's some kind of card you can trade in through the mail or something. But the show revolves around time travel, so in the context of the show itself, it's a funny thing to see on a box of cards for it.

Back in the 80's they made a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons figures, and recently they've been re-doing them in a larger much more detailed style. Here's Zarak the Assassin. It would be neat to have the original right next to it so you could see the massive improvement.

I watched the Netflix live-action version of One Piece, and totally YES put me in the Straw Hat crew!!! I knew the anime was very popular, and I did try and watch it a few years ago, but for some reason I couldn't get into it. The Netflix version was not the same, it was amazing in every way. I can't wait for them to do more.

Who is Timothy Biscuits? And why are they feeding him to rabbits?

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