Friday, December 22, 2023

Happy Holidays!

 Sorry I was a little lazy this year and did not get a good "collection" of Christmas pictures to share, instead just have a bunch of other pictures and think of it as a "Happy Holidays" instead. There might be some Xmas pictures around here somewhere.

Anya! If you are not excited to see her, you need to stop what you are doing and go watch the anime Spy Family. Then come back to see this. Bring peanuts.

Um... Pop? Why are these figures not in the same package? The poster behind them shows both of them. At least they could have split the poster? Really they should both be in one box, right?

Is it just me, or does that dog look too big for that flimsy crate? It looks like it could just bust out on it's own if it wanted to.

Speaking of "busted"... Lego switched from squish-able bags to solid boxes, for the random figure sets. You used to be able to squeeze the bags and "feel" the contours of bits to figure out (pun?) which minifigure was in it. NOW... kids are plain ripping them open in the Walmart. So... good luck with that.

This not-Lego set reminded me of a Battletech mech. So they are ripping off two things at once!

I was a little shocked to see the kiss mark on Dopey's forehead. Was it consentual? Just kidding, it's cute, but if Snow White was the one to kiss him, why doesn't she have red lipstick on? What's going on with Dopey?

They have the big words "starter pack" on this wedding scene. How... appropriate.

Should they be making fun of this? Dog attacks on postal workers is a real thing. Should I stop being so serious? I still can't help feeling like some poor person is going to look at this and think they are making fun of their personal tragedy.

Did they blend actual Pikmin into those drinks? Is that what they are saying?

Check out the adorable praying mantis trying to knock on my door! Hi!

Stopped at this light where off to the side is an old schoolhouse from 1847. Notice the two doors, one for boys and the other for girls. That's 1847 for ya! Also notice the outhouses behind it. Do they still work?! Would you even want them to?

I can't even stand to look at this, it seems so painful. Flip-out blades on arrow tips?! Yikes! Like, getting shot with an arrow ain't bad enough, now you gotta deal with flip-out blades?!

This car looks cool in this picture, but so much better in person. The color was some kind of sparkly-pearl that was shiny and shifting colors. Impressive.

Do you think this Stormtrooper is going to accurately deliver the correct packages to the correct houses? Or you think it's more likely he'll miss it completely?

Did that alligator eat Toucan Sam?! They're called Fruity Wows now! Just kidding, but it was funny to imagine that for a second.

This poor lost puppy in the grocery store was soooo adorable! I'm sure somebody else will give it a good home. But I did get the "awwwwwww!" moment when I spotted it.

Check it out. Looks like Lego made the exact same set but with different colors. Aren't you supposed to do the same thing with your own bricks? Why did we need them to do it for us?

Insider info: This coaster doesn't apply to my blog posts. I often think of things I want to say, but switch it to something nicer. So I'm not -that old- yet.

New sauces at McDonald's. I didn't get any, so why did I post this picture? Let me know if I missed out.

I know it's from the comics and all, but I feel like they could have come up with a better name than just "Mighty Thor". So is that a comment towards the movie, or all the way back to the people who did the original comic book?

Quick trivia question! Who is older here? Grand Moff Tarkin in the original Star Wars movie, or Han Solo from The Force Awakens? Peter Cushing in 1977: 63, Harrison Ford in 2014: 71.

Noticed the Fart Ninja display was very empty. Which means these things are selling well. Is that funny?

Squishy-material Black Widow seems... inappropriate. Look at the hand on the package squishing her chest! Did she give consent?! I guess the package does say "try me" so does that count?

AH! These little Trolls are so adorable! I know they should have brush-able hair, which is like the whole point of the original Trolls dolls, but I don't care these things are so cute.

Fail! The Target had the short-carded Hot Wheels off to the side of the regular Hot Wheels. If you didn't know, or couldn't tell from this picture, they made Hot Wheels with shorter card backs on the packaging, so that you could put double the amount on the same shelf area.

I took another picture to illustrate. Basically, that whole extra area would just disappear if they did it right.

Amazon sent out catalogs in the mail, for Xmas toy shopping. Okay, I'll browse it. Hey, is that me?! Check out that crazy perm hairdo!

The catalog didn't say it, but I looked it up and yep, it's a Minty! They make you buy a whole expensive set with lots of other ponies to get the Minty. Does that make me good?

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