Friday, May 10, 2024

Dr Easter Eggman

 Back with more pictures and fun comments... again.

Have they done Dr. Easter Eggman before? I don't think so, but it's so obvious now. Putting bunny ears on Sonic is kind of lame in comparison, but I guess it's the best thing that would fit with the Easter theme.

Oh, I still had some snow pictures. I think here I was amazed that the snow did not stick to the rocks around the yard. Like, what's up rocks? You don't like snow or something?

One morning there was a great rukus outside my window. Looks like they replaced all the electricity meters with fancy modern tech ones. Um, why is my power bill so much higher this month? That's not a joke, it was seriously a LOT bigger.

Oh yes. I need some Emotional Support Nuggets. I believe they are called "Nuggies" or simply "Nugs".

This was a Valentine's merchandising item. Forget about love, at this point, I'll be fine with you not ghosting me.

The New York Lottery was running some funny TV ads where this guy made extra robot arms so he could scratch tickets faster. It was hilarious because now when I see the Spider-Man villain Dr. Octopus, all I can think about is he made the extra arms to multiply his lottery winnings. Great job, lottery ad person who came up with this idea.

Boooooo! Lego! Booooo! They come out with this AWESOME set, which has little tiny classic space figures, and it's a "Free Gift With Purchase" only. No other way to get this. "Hey, they are giving it away for free?" You say? You know how much you have to spend to qualify? $200! Two HUNDRED dollars. And then, you get this for free! Ouch.

It was fun for me to see a Virginia Beach Hooters t-shirt on sale in New Jersey! I have friends from Virginia Beach. Is the Hooters there really that good?

Pixel art sets from Mega Bloks. It looks cool, probably nobody would even notice it's not really Lego, if they saw it in your house.

Hot Wheels needs to make as many of these Racer Verse cars as fast as they can. They are so cute and awesome. They have so many characters from so many shows and movies they could make!

Yowza! Hey, they printed that. So is it okay for me to show? No innuendos here. It's the game know as "cornhole". That's it. Shoot your shot, Valentine. In the cornhole. I'll say it again... yikes.

CHOMP! It's just a word we like, and it's all over this.

I laughed when I saw this Hersey's Kisses cookbook, and was about to get a picture so I could poke fun at it. But the page I randomly opened on.... looked amazing. No joke, that thing looks delicious. You got me, cookbook. Well done.

Does this package say "Matchbox 20"? Like the rock band? Busted! I guess if your band has the same name as a line of toy cars, they might use that eventually.

Minty swirls on top of these cotton candy packages! Oh wait... um... "pickle" flavor? Maybe mint flavored cotton candy would have been odd. Is pickle any better?

I think I might have done this picture before, but I think it's funny that they can put "Grandma's" cookies on this. Who's grandma? Mine? Is anybody fact-checking things like this? How did they get my grandma's recipes?!

Space Dunk! What a cool name. Oreo has some cool people making these things.

A huge YIKES on this Geico commercial. They show a fictitious Gecko Convention, and this crazy guy is doing "green face" makeup? How did this not hit the viral rage circuit? Is it okay when it's a green gecko? As a green pony, I find this quite not-cool. Not cool, dude! I'm as offended as their Caveman guy!

Not sure if there's more I can say, I'm a fan of "squirrels". I think it's cool there is a Marvel hero for them. I think she could get a show or movie at some point.

Another picture I don't need to add a comment to. It's fun to be reminded how much we liked Castiel the angel from the show Supernatural. I'm a fan of InuYasha and Hatsune Miku, too. 

Mobius on the Jetski! Even though they telegraphed this way in advance, it was still neat that they did indeed pay off the foreshadowing.

Way to go, Lego! The latest Animal Crossing game released on March 20, 2020. Let's get those Lego sets out! Right on top of it while everyone is playing! D'oh! To be fair, "I'm" still playing Animal Crossing. Anybody else though?

Another cosmic-level blunder as the egg-laying dinosaurs celebrate Easter. Did nobody point out the contradictions here? Yes, we all know dinosaurs had eggs. But "Easter"?

Literally... busted. The little heater we had under our desk was making a "noise" and smacking it stopped silencing it. Maybe there's something twisted up in the fan? How about we unscrew it and take a look? What a mess!

Eh, why be so cheap? Just buy a new one! It's only $10. And we use it ALL THE TIME. So we did. Some people might be amazed that my cheap friend would do that. Why buy a new one when you can fix the old one? It's only $10!

Was Barbie a villain on the old Batman TV show? Did she steal the Batmobile and pink-ify it?

What?! I thought I saw all the Jurassic Park movies. I DO NOT remember the one where they had cyborg raptors. That's an official Jurassic World tag on this merchandise. Why don't I remember a Raptor with a bionic eyepiece? It looks like something I'd remember!

Did you know there's a Pokemon Day? Don't feel bad, I didn't know either.

Can I buy this just to get the Spank Stick? Hahaha I shouldn't think this is funny, the package literally says "ages 17+" so it's not for kids.

WHOA! This warning is in my DISNEY game? Dreamlight Valley. It's not so shocking that a game would include some sad events, but to warn you about them? How bad is this sad, lonely, and/or angry story? Enough to require a warning? Maybe I'm not ready?

Do you want spoilers? This is the mirror version of your character that was manipulated by the villain characters. So they are talking to you as if you are depressed. Kind of an odd way to structure the story. You're not playing your own character right here, technically.

Boom. Fairy Godmother getting real. I don't think we're out of the danger zone of feelings yet.

Looks like Scar is the super evil bad guy that pushed your other version over the edge. They all told you to do bad things, and then scold you for it. This is next-level evil stuff. I can see why they thought it deserved a warning.

Right after this, your "real" version of your character redeems your "bad" version that messed everything up. So it has a happy ending, but what a crooked road to get there. It's a wild shift in tone from the rest of the game. I wonder if I would have reacted the same way if they left off the "warning"? Can we just have happy Disney fun? I probably should have taken an extra picture of the happy ending. Afterwards the game continues as if none of this ever happened.

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