Thursday, May 16, 2024

Say Cheese!

 Pictures and more pictures! You know how it goes.

This lunch bag oddly looks like a very realistic picture, taken by Olaf. Anna is kind of looking off to the side awkwardly distracted, Elsa is staring deer-in-headlights directly at the camera, and Olaf... looks great. Elsa and Anna are like "Let's take another picture!" and Olaf is like "What? It's fine!" Brilliant.

That poor henchman has to wear the Uranus nametag. The Joker is messing with him.

Paper straws, everybody! That little pointed-triangles thing you push the straw through will slice right into it!

Lego has been doing large models of cars for a while, but seeing one from Mega Bloks from Hot Wheels, that includes a matching Hot Wheels car? So much cooler.

I was re-watching the Star Wars: Andor series, and I notice that "The Cereal Guy" (with the nagging mother) had action figures in his room! So meta! Star Wars advertising Star Wars figures, right in the show! This makes sense, in-universe, as they appear to be Clone Troopers, and this Empire kid would have gotten some of them when he was younger during The Clone Wars. I wonder if those are real (for "us") figures, or if they made special ones for the show.

I noticed the "M" on my McDonald's cup was upside-down. Looks like it was a snarky promotion for a wacky new McNugget sauce called WcDonald's Sauce. And some kind of anime.

Busted! Lego makes a Snow White Seven Dwarves House. This "set" made it through the Lego Ideas website TWICE (where people vote on fan-submitted sets and if it get enough votes, Lego might make the set and gives the creator some credits) both times Lego rejected the set... and then they make one anyway. I guess what I'm saying is... not fair to those people.

D'oh! Check this out! I thought it was funny they are asking me to check out this empty spot.

AAAAAHHHHH!!!! Did the Walmart employee really leave this Clearance Sticker printing machine right out here?! They are soooo lucky that I'm an honorable pony. I did get some fun daydreams out of it, as I pondered all the stuff I could have bought on "clearance."

Even though they are years too late, Animal Crossing is a perfect fit for Lego sets. we need more characters as fast as possible! There are over 500 neighbors to get!

Is there a list of all the holidays they make Hot Wheels cars for? Is "International Woman's Day" that big of a deal? I'm not trying to say that it's not a big deal, and I genuinely think it's cool they did this, all I'm saying is that there might be too many holidays. Now... other deserving holidays might feel left out.

Can you name all five songs The Beatles played on The Ed Sullivan Show? Some people think that's a easy trivia question. If you roll your eyes that this is Mega Bloks instead of Lego, remember that Lego has done a couple of The Beatles sets already.

I'm scared that there is a book called "Sex for Dummies". Do we really need to be teaching them this sort of thing? Maybe they need to learn other things first.

Look at these adorable little chocolate lambs! So cute! How could you possibly eat these!? You monster!

Another adorable thing we saw; some kind of Strawberry Mushroom-head plushies. Anybody know what those are supposed to be?

This kitty matched all of my Minty colors! Neat!

I had to take a picture of Opal's tag. Just in case anybody was curious about it, for any reason.

Why does the Smurfette lollipop holder look so tired? Ugh, whatever... suck it. The other Smurf looks so shockingly awake in comparison.

LOL. WTF is up with this pill box?!

I have not played any of the Fallout games, but Magic: The Gathering did some cards for it. I was aware the dog's name was Dogmeat, but I forgot the story behind it, if there is one.

I bought the box set for the Disney Lorcana card game expansion Into The Inklands. So in order to help justify the expense, I figured I could at least post some pictures of it.

It's really only a little bit more than buying just card packs anyway, so you might as well get the box and all the goodies, if you were going to buy some packs anyway.

There's a life counter that you can spin around. It's made of "paper" but it's thick and solid, so it's not as good as they could have done, but alright. The "dice" are markers you put on the cards, so they don't really get rolled in this game. You could use them for other games and roll them, I guess.

It includes some divider boards for sorting your cards in the box. The symbols and colors are from game mechanics. Oddly enough, this big box doesn't come with a rule book for playing the game. You need a Starter Deck, sold separately. Or maybe you can look it up online somewhere.

Okay, it's not the full rulebook, but the expansion has a few new things they felt they needed to include explanation cards for. These cards are in every pack! How about some more... cards for the game, instead?

These are the "good" cards from the eight packs. You can tell how rare a card is by the little symbol on the bottom in the middle. The gold ones are "Legendary Rare" and I got two of them, Ursala and Robin Hood. The odds say I should have gotten one, but I could have gotten none, just as likely at two. What I'm trying to say here is... It's cool I got two Legendary Rares.

Here's some regular "Rare" cards. As you can see, the card game revolves around Disney characters and stuff from all sorts of Disney "worlds". A lot of them are easily recognized, but some of them you have to ask yourself if you really remember where they are from. John Silver is from the movie Treasure Planet. Nowhere on the card does it say where it's from.

Random "Uncommon" cards. I got 99 puppies and a bitch ain't one. Get it? I'm using the word bitch as meaning a female dog. It's a joke. There's 99 puppies so I'm sure there are some bitches in there, but... ah nevermind, it's not that good a joke anyway.

Random "Common" cards. Zoom in and read all the stuff, if you want. Or just check out the cool artwork.

The box has landscape scenes that match the new card types introduced in the set. The box doesn't have any text on it, so you need to find the cards that match to figure out which places they are. This side is Mermaid Lagoon, Never Land. Is Never Land two words? Should it be Neverland? They must have checked before they printed the cards, so I guess it is Never Land.

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