Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Another Antiques Posting

 Mega Antiques! I went to the giant Barrett Street antique shop in Virginia Beach again. I've been here before but there's always cool old stuff to check out. There's a lot of pictures and I just thought I'd group them all together, so it's a little more than I usually post.

Check out the big Clay's Motel sign. If your name is Clay, get over here quick! Hoo Boy do we have a sign for you!

Um... Who is this sign for? Stop... Watching those children.

Are there big metal signs for "vape" things yet? This woman's hairstyle and clothing indicate this sign is maybe like... early 80's? Is that about right?

Wooooo! You never know what you're going to find in an antique store. Sometimes the artwork is too much... art.

I thought I'd take an aisle picture so you can get a sense of how big this place is. There are several rows of these glass cabinets. Each one is numbered if you have to go up front and ask for something to be opened.

Hmm.... $100 for $5. The date on that is 1914. Imagine what you could have bought 110 years ago for $5! At least 2 horses! Or something worth more than $100 today.

Is Queen Coral a rare Furby? I don't know at all. I thought it was cute and had nice colors. Maybe some Furby fan is going to see this and know. Is that a pizza slice on her necklace?

Check it out! One of the cabinets had individual Lego minifigures for sale. A new reason to go check out antique stores, it's not the type of thing you would expect to be at a place like this.

Old Pokémon cards, too. Yikes, are these really "antique" already?

Another "yikes" as I spot a set of Desert Storm military issued Most Wanted playing cards set. They gave those to the people stationed in Iraq during the Gulf War, so they would get used to seeing the bad guys while playing cards. That's some real history.

Those crystals must be sharp, to have the edges covered in tape. Sure, buy something dangerous.

Hey, if I want to buy some crystal, that's my bismuth. You handle your own bismuth, and don't worry about my bismuth.

It's the old classic big Darth Vader head figure holder! I'll give a small shout-out to the recently-passed James Earl Jones: Thanks for all the Vader and the rest of your awesome stuff you did! Also, check out the silver Storm Trooper rip-off robot thing, I wonder how that happened.

Western Shooting Horse magazine has Melissa on the cover, shooting a pistol. February 2008. 13-year-old with a gun. She must have awesome parents. Good luck to her prom date in 5 years.

I rarely edit my pictures to censor them, if it was visible in the store, any kid could have seen it, right? I did blur this one out though. It's shocking to see this in the store, but what else are they going to do?

Seeing this chair was an odd feeling of... home. Like, I could totally see this chair was in a comfy home. Is that weird? Look at the wooden chair back handles at the top of it. Like dog ears? Is that for hanging a jacket?

Super big sandals! Neat. You're so much taller!

The tag on this anime pillow says Food Wars. I have not seen that one. I hope she's going to chop vegetables with that knife.

My friend likes to tell his story about the Junior High School marching band, and how they made him play the cymbals. He was so young and probably not even 100 pounds. He carried these HEAVY cymbals for HOURS and they wanted him to swing them wide whenever he crashed them. Poor kid was exhausted. It was sooo much like exercise instead of like... marching band.

Want some nightmares? What even is this thing?

Look up! There's a cool double-bicycle on the ceiling.

Remember what her favorite flower is. That's what they mean. That's the sweetest flower. You have to remember it.

I think I took a picture of the ancient Doctor Bag last time I was here. It's just neat thinking how many people were given help out of this thing. Probably. How is house-call-doctor not a thing in today's modern world? Can you Uber up a Doctor? That existed hundreds of years ago, why not now?

Woah! Betty Boop going shirt-less in those overalls for painting. You don't own one shirt you can get paint on?

Neat steampunk animals. That's all.

It's a funny joke, but do you want it on the wall mocking you all the time?

This metal table was soooo retro! In a cool way. I guess it depends on what you remember from your youth. Did anybody else grow up around a cool metal table?

Do they sell this chair with the evil incantation? The one where you say it as you are sitting in the chair, and it sends you to the evil realm?

I dare you to sit in this chair! I DARE YOU! What? Are you... chicken?!

Another nice piece of artwork I wanted to get a picture of to share. Not everything needs a funny comment.

Transformers AND Spider-Man?! It happened!

The tag on it says Nautical Rope Tool Marlin Spike. But c'mon... this has Vampire Killer written all over it!

This bizarre chair was priced at $975. You need a very specific sort of place for it to not look silly. And I did see those magazines in the picture, I censored those, too. Right out in the open, do they not expect kids to be in here?

This was the booth name for this corner of the store, Atomic Kitty Antiques. They had a neat painting on the wall with their name on it. I like that kind of subtle coolness.

Another odd yet cool art piece. I guess I did a lot of art pictures this time.

Massive detailed cabinets! Epic, if you have the right place for it.

The book on the bottom is called Hidden Treasures. Woah! You found it! The Hidden Treasures!

What an odd piece of artwork, the silhouette of legs. I'm not going to judge, but the word "creep" comes to mind. Like, if you have this in your house, you might be a... creep.

Why rely on the hotel to have one of those push carts? Get your own! They you'll always have one.

This table had such crazy angles on it! Oh yeah, I also notice more lewd magazines. What is with this place and all the magazines they have all around it? Focus on the neat table instead.

Crazy metal clock. You glance at it to check the time, and then get lost for a while checking out all the other random stuff around the clock.

This wooden desk was so many cool rounded angles. The legs on it were very thin though. But it's here, as an antique, so it must not be too fragile after all. Just don't look down, I guess.

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