Thursday, September 19, 2024

Some Comic Shops and Stuff

 Hi! I'm back with more pictures. Enjoy the fun comments on 'em.

They're doing a lot of construction on this highway, so I'm totally parked on the road. They put a little ship in a circle on the wall over there. It repeats over and over, on each wall section, it's the same ship. I wonder what ship it is? Is there some kind of story to go along with it?

Wheee! It's the old comic shop! They want to make sure you KNOW it's full of comics with all that stuff on the windows.

This picture was taken about a month after Free Comic Book Day, and they still had a stack of comics for the Young Jedi cartoon series. Even though I DID watch that show, I still passed on the free book. Not sure why, I guess I just didn't feel like asking "Hey are these still free?" How silly is that?

Funny for them to label the drinks in the cooler as magic potions. Water is invisible! Get it?

Super-expensive cards! Maybe this is only interesting if you know all about Magic: The Gathering. But if you do know, check out these prices!

How ridiculous is this? Why even put prices on the cards if they check them before you buy them? I bet somebody threw a fit over a mis-priced cards once. Like a coffee-is-hot situation.

Check out the giant statues! The tall guy is the horribly-named Dungeons & Dragons character Drizzt Do'Urden. I wonder how much more popular he would have been, had he a different name other than "Drizzt."

Blast from the past! BattleTech is in the future, technically. My friend used to play this game a bunch, and it involved buying and painting the little miniatures.

Here's some big miniatures for D&D. Is that funny? They are miniatures of large things, so they are still small, but big. Did that make any sense?

Ever want to learn how to play D&D? Sometimes it seems like there's so many books to read, maybe it feels like it would be "homework" instead of a hobby. Just show up at 6pm on Monday, and find out!

Sometimes I forget to take wide shots, so you can get a sense of how big places are. Maybe you can zoom in on something.

There's a back room over here for playing card tournaments and stuff. My friend has done that! Right here at this place, even.

Who's number one?! Here's some debut-issue comics. Now you can compare them to the movies and get upset about stuff, too! That's not how they did it in the comic book!

That old Ree-Yees was in good condition. He was my friend's favorite background character when he was little. He thought the alien looked cute with the three eyes. If you didn't know, Ree-Yees was in Jabba's Palace scenes and according to the TV shows, he survived the Sail Barge explosion.

I took this picture for my friend, who I shall not name. He asks: "Why's it gotta say 'bad guy'" on the card?

These are play mats hanging up there. They make the table softer so your cards don't get scuffed-up while you play. And maybe they might distract your opponent somehow.

Most comic shops have a big calendar to let players know when to come in and play games. Look at all that stuff!

Of course it's fun to take a picture of the selection, right now. Even in the near future, this will look completely different, and at some point it will look like it's waaaayyy in the past. Look at those old expansion sets!

Firecracker Wrap at Jimmy John's with Firecracker Chips. Not as "hot" as I would have liked, but it was crunchy and tasty anyway.

Yikes! This is um... kinda funny, but I think if I was French, I might not think it's funny at all.

Dis-Abled Veterans Thrift Store, not DAVE minus the E. Treasure hunting in the thrift store!

Random hats. Does it even matter what team that cat goes with? If anybody asks, make something up!

Poor puppy! Maybe the puppy should be in charge.

This one requires two pictures. The book cover is a big poem for "Don't Quit."

And.... Inside the notebook is a bunch of blank pages. So.... they quit?

This other comic hobby shop used to have a side-room with "adult" comics and videos. It was interesting to see it labeled as "office" now, obviously the internet made such a place obsolete. Yikes.

I have more than a couple of friends who would tell me this game's name is not true. There's no such thing as "Way Too Many Cats"!

My sympathies to anybody named Karen. It's just bad luck that your name got attached to the awful customer stereotype.

Still, it's funny. I mean, not if your name is "Karen." But it's funny to have a character you can poke fun at.

I always liked the Krosmaster character art style, even though I never really got anything with it. The game must be worthwhile, since they made so much of it. It can't be just cool-looking characters.

Settlers of Catan plushies! I can't help but think if the game had a better name, if it would be more popular. Kinda like that Drizzt guy. I mean it's a fun game. People should play it more. They made plushies for it.

In case you didn't know, this shirt says you just blew up your friends. And yourself probably. D&D is fun!

The Red Dragon Inn is one of those games where they sell a bunch of expansions for a bunch of characters. I've never played it before, but it's always neat to read about the different characters, at least. And you can tell by the amount of expansions they have for it, that it must be an okay game.

Of course little Anya Forger would be sold out. But her "Mom" and "Dad" are here! They're not really a family, but kinda are. It's a Spy Family! My friend has a bunch of Nendoroid figures. They are so cute!

Did I already tell the story about how Games Workshop prices the figures based on game stats, and not like, the price of a small amount of plastic? Three characters for the Warhammer 40,000 game cost $60! Which tells you the three of them could probably wipe out your army of scrubs. And if you were upset at the cost, at least you get to paint them yourself! They don't even come painted like this for your $60.

A plushie for BattleTech? Cool! I had to look it up, this is an Archer mech. It has two LRM20s and 4 Medium Lasers. That's Long-Range-Missiles for LRM. It's a decent amount of damage if you can hit with all those missiles. You have to roll some dice to see how many actually hit the target.

I did not look up "Eyemonger" it was cool all on its own. Now that's how you name something.

AH! My friend used to play Shadowrun a bunch, too. It's basically spells and guns and computers and all of that all at once.

Nice technique for scaring people away from the bathroom. I think I'll hold it.

Cute little plant people! Adorable.

Only in looking at this picture, did I realize it was plugged it with a cord in the back. This was a dice that was floating above the little square. We asked, and it was like, $150, and we were like... nope! I mean, it was neat, but that's crazy.

This cover looks funny and interesting, until you realize it makes Batman look like a total idiot. How could the Scooby Gang be in jail? Did Batman make a mistake?

Another game from my friend's past, he had a Space Hulk set, so he recognized the aliens here as Genestealers. Those Space Marines might look outnumbered, but they are a lot tougher.

My friend laughed when he saw these figures. This store changed locations a few times, and even 20 years ago, my friend would play card games in their store, and he remembers these figures were still here! Like, nobody has bought them in over 20 years? Can these be the same figures? Or is he just remembering it wrong?

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