Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pictures in Progress

 Whoops! Again, I usually like to post something at least once a week. So sorry for the delay and thanks or checking back. My laptop has been acting "wonky" for a while and it's been quite distracting trying to get it working. You don't want details, do you? Nah, just enjoy some fun comments about stuff I saw and took pictures of.

Uh oh. If you are visiting someone, and see this sign.... You might want to run. It might already be too late. Check under the carpet for a magical seal, or maybe it's on the ceiling? The sign is there to torment you.

Sunday, January 19, 2025


 Pictures with fun comments are like little treats to this squirrel. You want some fun pictures? It's okay... let me toss you some pictures.

It's been a few years since we've had a "squirrel buddy" who consistently gets treats, but we still have treats for the occasional curious critter. On some level, you don't want them to be dependent on you to survive, but it's just so cute when they run up to get treats.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Smokin' Pics

 I'm here with another bunch of pictures, of stuff I wanted to comment on. Hey, that's what I do.

Lazy Saturday; watching The Rifleman from 1963. I saw this CHILD smoke-up a cigar! In the episode! A small amount of research revealed this kid was 15, but the character he was playing was probably younger. What a different "time," I suppose. Both in the wild west, and, I guess, before smoking was known to be so unhealthy.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

2025 Already?

 Happy New Year! Have some free Minty Pictures on us!

Um... What's up, Lay's Potato Chips? You know a lot of NFL Football is free, assuming you own a television set. You can watch it on multiple channels all season long. But good for you, trying to trick people into buying your chips. I guess I did notice the plus sign there, but it's not very noticeable, so that's bad logo design for "NFL+" assuming that's different than regular NFL.