Happy New Year! Have some free Minty Pictures on us!
Um... What's up, Lay's Potato Chips? You know a lot of NFL Football is free, assuming you own a television set. You can watch it on multiple channels all season long. But good for you, trying to trick people into buying your chips. I guess I did notice the plus sign there, but it's not very noticeable, so that's bad logo design for "NFL+" assuming that's different than regular NFL.
Yuk yuk yuk. Young people these days don't know what marriage is anymore. We shouldn't joke about it, they don't want to get married enough without hearing all sorts of bad stories about it.
This says 15th Anniversary of Minecraft. Which is a little mind-blowing since it seems like that number is... low. Doesn't it feel like we've had Minecraft for a lot longer?
There's some not-subtle things on this Hasbro Monopoly board. Of course the most valuable property is for the game Monopoly here, for obvious reasons, but the next two are the recently-bought-by-Hasbro Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering, which have both been very very profitable for Hasbro.
Clever points go to the display person with the "fun fact" people hopefully don't take seriously up top there. The other fun fact at the bottom is... true.
The recent Lego minifigure set for D&D had a character named Tasha. I was like, "who is that?" and I see there's a whole book for the character! Saw this at the thrift shop, it was $6. That's high for thrift shop books, isn't it? I once bought a huge stack of Warhammer books for only $10.
This package had a glowing eye when you press it. Pretty impressive packaging, right? That's not even the thing inside it.
When did the Frankenstein and Werewolf movies come out? 1957 sounds about right but they were probably from earlier than that.
Can we take a moment to appreciate the ridiculous iconic weapon from Despicable Me? This claims it has REAL (underlined for emphasis) FARTS! Do the lawyers know about this? Can they really make that claim?
Did you hear my friend's Fruity Pebbles bit? He points out that the cereal nutritional info on the side of the box is measured in cups, and since Fruity Pebbles are "dense" little pieces, as opposed to larger air-filled puffy things with holes in them, you can fit more of them in the measuring cup. So you get to eat more of them. Did that make sense? It's because the calorie info is not based on weight, but volume.
Why are there BLEEEEEP Deadpool merchandise toys in the BLEEEEEEPPP-ing kid's section?! Don't those BLEEEEEEEEP-ing BLEEEEEEP know that that BLEEEEEP Deadpool and Wolverine movie was rated "R"? Full of not-kid-things? BLEEEEP that's crazy!
Um... lawyers? Or... Priests? Can they really claim this thing "Truly" comes to life? The lawyer will ask "can you define what "life" is?" If this toy qualifies, should we all be terrified?
Yowza. Poor Megatron. He turns into a gun, and all of a sudden the toys just don't seem to be appropriate for kids anymore. Here's the toddler version!
Hahahahaha! Coprolite. You are literally buying crap. Hilarious.
Don't get too attached to Brawn. He gets brutally murdered in the Transformers: The Movie. They made another action figure to remind you of that childhood trauma, in case you repressed it. They sell a regular non-dying version; in case you are NOT a psychopath that prefers the one with the blaster hole and screaming face.
Diner's ready! MOM! I can't pause my game! Shut that thing off and get your diner!
Is it weird that the Lego figure in the display picture IN the Lego Store is holding... a stick? Like, a twisted, made-of-wood, not a piece in a set, stick?
You're gunna need a bigger shelf.
I am Groot! I am Groot? [shrug] I am Groot.
Another picture left over from a summer bike ride. This tree almost blocked the path. Neat.
Traffic jam! Who would have thought the sidewalk could have this much traffic?
There must be a reason the mushrooms are in a circle like that. After we rode away, we thought it would be funny to stand in the middle of the circle, but maybe... that's where the portal goes? Portal to where? Maybe it was a good thing we didn't turn around to try.
I you are any kind of Star Trek fan, you know what this bag looks like it's full of.
I know you're made out of fire, but... put on a shirt? Is this really a naked action figure? Too funny.
Another big laugh that the store can't do math. Am I looking at this right? $1.50 each, which is 2 for $3.00. How is that "save %25"? Am I going crazy?
"YoCruch" Yo! What a silly name, yo. I guess I thought it was funny, so it worked, if that's what they wanted.
Yikes! In the clearance section at Walmart, and this saw blade was.... missing? All of a sudden, I feel A LOT LESS SAFE in this Walmart! Set awareness to maximum, as I hurry out of the store.
A straggler pic from Halloween, the sports card people saw the Pokémon people had Halloween give-away packs and tried to make some for football. I don't think this "themes" as well, there are spooky-ish Pokémon, but football players?
D'oh! I could have been in the background of the new Happy Gilmore movie?! Why didn't I go to this thing? I can't even say why. I have no reason, I should have done it.
I'm not a good-enough Elton John fan to know where these outfits are from, but maybe you are. I mean, I do like his music, but I'm not that familiar with the fashion stuff.
What? Is that a cat... in a cat costume? What is going on here?
Barnes & Noble has a carpet so it looks like I might have taken this picture in a home instead of a store. Oberon is a character from the Fate: Grand Order game I play, and it was surprising to see a figure for him in a store. That game just gets very little merchandise, and he's a popular guy, but they have hundreds of characters equally popular.
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