Whoops! Again, I usually like to post something at least once a week. So sorry for the delay and thanks or checking back. My laptop has been acting "wonky" for a while and it's been quite distracting trying to get it working. You don't want details, do you? Nah, just enjoy some fun comments about stuff I saw and took pictures of.
Uh oh. If you are visiting someone, and see this sign.... You might want to run. It might already be too late. Check under the carpet for a magical seal, or maybe it's on the ceiling? The sign is there to torment you.
I laughed when I saw the Transformer Arcee wearing what looks like a bikini. Nobody even mentions how they are cars and robots yet are also boys and girls robots. Arcee is a girl, don't think about it.
Hahaha. This pose looks like she was swimming or something, and lost her top. As she embarrassingly covers herself up. Don't look!
Hey! It's cool to see a Hot Wheels toy of a car that you owned. Does this Datsun 510 come in white with a blue interior? It was manual transmission back when you could get those, and my friend had drilled a hole in a pool 2-ball for the stick shifter.
Why have Gatoraid with apple flavor? At this point, shouldn't you just have... apple juice? They make that, you know.
I took this picture during Xmas, probably to point out some crazy ornament I saw, but I'm not exactly sure which one. So look around and see if there's a crazy one. Maybe those shotgun shells? That's a yikes.
I'd say this is hilarious if it wasn't true. The more true-er it gets, the more funny it gets.
Creepy hand sculptures. Is it okay to joke about these hands as if they are making gang symbols? Or is that too much?
Little reciprocating blade saw for carving pumpkins. Yeah, this looks safe. And by that I mean, WHAT?! Good luck.
I normally blur out license plates if I can, but this LOSERRR obviously wants people to know. Is there a reason they used three Rs? Was LOSER and LOSERR already taken?
I haven't seen the Wicked movie yet, is this a spoiler? Is the Cowardly Lion cub in the movie? How cruel to put him in this display full of winged monkeys. Poor Lion! Get him outta there!
I don't even care enough to spoil Star Wars Acolyte. It's neat to point out the Squid Games guy, from Korea, learned English to play this role! And now after I've heard his real voice, it sounds awkward to hear it dubbed in Squid Game.
I normally don't like when Transformers turn into random spaceships. I like them to be regular vehicles. But somehow this spaceship just looks so cool, this guy gets a pass.
Not only did McDonald's make Happy Meal toys out of Crocs... shoes? really? But... they are sold out?! What is going on here?
Imagine you are that squirrel. It's literally surrounded by food. So much food! All over the place! Isn't that... nuts?!
Kurt Angle was the perfect guy to root for, and against, at the same time. The story is even more amazing in that he really DID win an Olympic Gold Medal. Turns out he's a great entertainer, too!
Busted! The picture might show this on a rifle, but it clearly says you should bring it to the beach to scope-out some bikinis instead.
What a great idea. Don't hurt your knuckles with a boring old knock on the door. Simply press a button instead. So much more civilized.
Stopped at a stoplight. Look over. What? Random chicken walking around. Good luck, chicken!
Hahahaha! See me down there? All tiny? These dolls are HUGE. Why are they called "Little Bebops?" I won't even bust them for using obvious Disney Princess outfits on them.
Ollie's can't do math. One figure $3.99. Four figures? $4.99.
Who would even want their dog to chew on these? Politics... yikes.
Do they have Cherry Wall Shelf in Animal Crossing? Our island had cherries as the local fruit on the trees.
Squirrel! I can't remember if there was a fun story about this one, but have another cute squirrel pic anyway. Treat for the squirrel, treat for the pictures.
What an evil-looking hooked golden knife for cheese. Or... gardening? Those look like gardening tools.
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