Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Black T-shirt Sports Jacket Guy

 Welcome back! Just roaming around grabbing pictures and making fun comments as usual.

I paused when I saw this character, among a selection of toddler toys. Who is this guy? He looks like he could be the CEO of a tech company, a villain in a 90's action movie, or anything in-between. He looked way out-of-place in the lineup of the other childish figures.

Normally I'm on the side of the fence that hates "poop" toys. Gross. But this Hot Wheels dump truck with the name "Gotta Dump" is... funny. Get it? Dump? Because it's a dump truck. Yeah, it's simple but good, and not reaaaalllly a "poop" toy.

Speaking if dumps... haha. Sorry, that's a spoiler for the ending of this story. My friend does this thing where he takes ground beef and mixes-in hot sauce, and cooks it up like a big steak patty. Well... he had some of the "The Last Dab" sauce, y'know, the top-level hot sauce from the series Hot Ones? Well, cooking it into the ground beef probably dulled it a little, but it was still rather hot. In a good way, or maybe not, depending on your view of insane hot sauces.

OMG yikes! Amazon is selling a house "kit" for less than twenty thousand dollars. A whole house. Take another look at the thing under the price, it says $1,583.25 per month for 12 months. That's less than what I'm paying for RENT. And after 12 months, you'd OWN it. How is this tech not revolutionizing the world yet? Shouldn't this be news all over the place?

I'm not into the anime-version of One Piece, so the stylized characters are a bit too-much, but this statue is like, the best scene from the Netflix version. I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it, but it was a good moment.

Another couple of great moments from that show. A lot of One Piece is right on the edge of ridiculous, or too-cliche, or plain silly, or... something. But... always on the awesome-side of that. Did that make any sense? Some of the hits you see coming from miles away, yet they still land solid.

Anybody else overwhelmed with the amount of things you need to do "before you die"? What a horrible title for you series of books. I don't want to think about my life like this. I get that you want me to visit 150 golf courses, but can you say that in a different way, please?

My childhood-self would have loved to have had these. I grew up right at that age where Transformers, G.I.Joe, and Dungeons & Dragons were the big things. And I know this is technically not D&D, it's the same type of thing. Where you make up your own character and go on adventures. I guess... we didn't really need these after all? We took our action figures on adventures without books and rules.

A couple of Star Wars villains. I forgot the exact reason I grouped them together. Maybe to mention how evil they are, but in very different ways? Maybe something about how Thrawn was from the old books that Disney said were not "real" yet they used him anyway, and all the wacky stuff they did to Maul to bring him back in books and they used that, too.

Um... spoiler alert? I'm not the only one who thought it was strange that IG-11 was resurrected. He self-destructed, to "avoid having his components captured and studied", he literally blew-up while melting in a river of LAVA, not kidding... lava. So, he blew up, in lava. And... they find his pieces and put him back together. But we like him, so it's cool, just go with it. That is one tough droid.

Wow! Round tissue um... boxes, so you can put them in the drink holder spots in your car. Neat!

This picture was from a while ago, did you try the Chicken Big Mac? I feel like they could have done a different name for it, but what else could you have called it? That's what it was.

I got a laugh when I saw this license plate "SUUBUWU" it's like how a toddler would say it.

This Stealth Ninja He-Man was hiding in the Lego section, and I got a laugh out of it. Good job, whoever put him there. It's like he's from Toy Story, hiding himself because he's Stealth.

My friend's two favorite Street Fighter 2 characters. He had a Dhalsim yoga-fire-kick move where he would spam yoga fireballs and kick the opponent when they tried to jump over them. It was so cheesy and brutal. The action figure comes with stretched-out legs and arms!

Motormaster was one of the Stunticons who was originally a different type of trailer truck. Here, he's copied right off of Optimus Prime, which is typically done for another character named Nemesis Prime. Um, even I'm confused now, sorry, I guess I just meant to say this is not correct, somehow.

They created this object for the Transformers: The Movie um... movie, so they could justify changing the "leader" of the Autobots from one character to another. So... it's like a crown? Not really. And they wound up bringing Optimus back anyway.

Another Star Wars spoiler concerning the indestructible IG-11, before they fixed his personality programming, they used his body as a sort-of walking mech for Grogu, and called it IG-12. Another ridiculous thing, but forgiven because it was too adorable that they gave it "Yes" and "No" speaking-buttons for Grogu to mash on repeatedly.

Hahahaha! Healthcare made easy. So easy, you don't even need anyone to talk to! Who would have thought it would be that easy!?

Yikes. Remember this. This old Lego set has a minifigure for that old guy. The guy who spoke the first line in a NEW Disney Star Wars film. He said something like "THIS! This... will begin to set things RIGHT!" as he handed over a mysterious object to Poe Dameron. And... we all cheered. CHEERED! Like, YES! New awesome Star Wars! Finally! And then... well, those lines seem a lot ominous ironically, now, don't they? As they continued to mess up the thing instead of setting it "right." Whoa.

I've taken this picture before, but I had to send it to somebody who did not believe me when I told them about the enormous Lego figures in the Target. I realized... Lego doesn't make a slide piece like that. Is that wrong?

I can enjoy a nicely-designed logo. That yin-yang heart with the smiley faces is cool. I know that as a yin-yang one of the faces should be opposite and sad, but they don't want a sad face on a Care Bear. Let 'em both be happy!

Okay, I had to try that Chicken Big Mac. Honestly, it was very good. I would have it again. The only thing was, that it was too hard to eat. The "regular" Big Mac squishes-down to fit in your mouth better, while the Chicken Big Mac you had to open wiiiide to bite it. Did that make sense? The crunchy chicken was too stiff.

Yeee-ouch! Right on the package; Meat Shredding Claws. 

Why did I find it funny that they spelled it "KWEEN"? Like, is that better than "Queen"? The full name is Quirky Kweens which might have been a little better with 2 Q's as Quirky Queens, you think? Yeah, this is the type of thing that catches my attention as I wander around a store...

Vote YES! On this tiny thing you can't read as you drive past. I can barely read it on this picture I took while stopped.

Hahahaha! What?! That quote in the middle of the page says "Simply a joy to read!" and the image is... not joyful AT ALL! I suppose the point of the image is that it's not comfortable to look at, and it sure is not. I don't know who that is or what their super power is, but I hope they can get out of that situation okay.

We did not even try the Wendy's Crabby Patty simply because my friend can't do "seafood" and even though all research said there was NO "seafood" involved with this... he still just couldn't do it.

Are you buying a figure with a bonus trading card, or are you buying a trading card with a bonus figure? Hmmm....

I know Frozen is a popular movie, but this popular? This bag clip set says SERIES 56. Fifty Six! There's 12 figures, is that a total of 672 clips they made? All from Frozen?! That can't be right, can it?

Check out the cute squirrel plushie! I didn't get it, but I still took the picture. It's at least cute enough to get a picture of. Also cute little duckie and owl, of course.

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