You made it! Congratulations! You win a look at some pictures I took, and the fun comments that go along with 'em.
Guess where I took this picture. Does this mean I love you, too? Just because it's on the t-shirt? I get the simple text for a city like Plainsboro, but I gotta think that Princeton has better t-shirts. The college over there is quite the place.
How cool is Magic Shell? It's literally "magic" how it gets solid when it's cold. I'm not going to look into the science. It's okay if it's simply magic.
One random day in the Target I see a massive pallet of water bottles. Um... Is there something I should know about? Should I buy some just in case? Why does this make me worry?
Adorable! This must be from a kid's movie, right? Chucky is going to be my best friend!
I have a story about a Taco Truck, but I don't feel like it's the type of story I can tell on this blog. Just know that seeing this taco truck reminded me of my story. Sorry to not share the story, but it's not a nice story. I'm sure there are all kinds of nice taco trucks out there.
Good luck with this plushie not making you crave a delicious donut everytime you look at it. You're going to eat an Axolotl donuts because of it.
Did AI write this coupon? What an oddly specific coupon. You SEE the $6, which is quite a lot for a coupon, to be honest. But you have to buy three tubs of ice cream, and then, the coupon is for pie crust. As far as I know, Ice Cream Pie is not a thing. Is it? The stats must show this is a valid temptation, yet I've never bought a pie crust, ever, to go with my ice cream.
I can't show you with this picture, but this Magic: The Gathering card box used that type of tech where you look at the panel from side-to-side and the image changes. You know what I'm talking about, right? Anyway, it was on a set based off of horror movies, and this was a fuzzy spooky TV, and it was such a great use of that type of thing.
I'm not even going to look it up, there's no way that The Legend of Zelda video game series is not the franchise with the most altered type of graphic styles. Almost each game is a brand-new, unique art style, and they are all great.
Do you think it's a coincidence that Orko has a big "O" on his robe? Was he worried that nobody would remember his name? It's not like you could recognize his face or anything, so I guess we really do need the big "O."
This is reality versus intent. Hasbro had good intentions to make the packaging better for the environment, by removing the clear plastic shells. However, in reality, mischievous kids were popping the heads off of the exposed figures. Yikes. Lesson learned, back to the plastic shells.
Um... That's not chocolate surrounding that character, his name is Pig-Pen and it's dirt. Do you really want that guy promoting your product? That's not supposed to be dirty?
Did I just blow your mind? Yes, you can get Cracker Barrel Mac n Cheese at home! I didn't try it to see if it matched.
Whoa! This color and texture on this brown glass is every diner restaurant you've ever been to. Just looking at it makes me think about a vacation somewhere.
Star Trek: Lower Decks merchandise! No need to try and support the show, they already cancelled it. But I totally would, if it would have made a difference.
Does anybody know these two Star Wars ships were never in the same place, nor did they ever battle like this? Does anybody care? Lego makes you buy both at the same time for twice the price, maybe I only wanted one of them, thanks for that.
Massive YOW-ZA. I was going to eat some chips, but I just lost my appetite. Great for parents trying to get their kids to stop eating chips. I apologize for even posting this picture, it's so shocking. I feel like I might have taken this picture before, but mentally blocked myself from remembering it, it's so awful.
Hey, my fellow green-skinned sister! It's funny how she is hunched-over in the package, couldn't they just make her standing up straight and use a different shaped package?
This sounds fun, but also like it could be a website you visit, instead.
Cute things called Plaque Doctors, based on the bird-like goggle masks the doctor would use while treating medieval plagues. Hey, they're cute, don't think about the um, plague part.
More Target merchandise, sold IN the Target store. For toddlers, so they will be literally life-long customers.
I took me a hot minute to realize the pun on this tombstone. It's a take on "arachnophobia," the fear of spiders. Get it? Because of the big spider?
Here's a picture from after last Halloween, nobody wanted to be the mail carrier? Aw, now it's half-off. Just poking, there was plenty of other costumes left over.
Double-pack of Hot Wheels, I feel anxious for that police car. It's gotta be worried about the crazy alien monster car it's up against. Maybe they are space cops?
It's a Minty! Am I really 40? I'm still a young pony at heart.
Sometimes it seems like there's not much RWBY merchandise, and other times it seems like it's all over the place. It's pronounced like "Ruby" if you didn't know. It wants to count as anime even though it's not really. Still a very good show no matter what it really is.
Cool! Big little army men. If you look at this picture thinking they are regular-sized little army men, I look sooooo tiny standing next to them!
Careful man, there's a beverage here! So many quotable lines from The Big Lebowski.
This is so meta. Like, the arcade itself is the ghost, since it's a thing of the past, and all.
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