Wednesday, December 7, 2016

New Rochelle Art

My friend was in a stage production for an Art Festival in New Rochelle, New York. The performance was at the Library. While we were waiting for the show to start, we wandered around and took some pictures!

Here's the Library. For those that don't know,
 a Library was like the Internet, but using BOOKS instead of screens. The old word for "Google" was "Encyclopedia."

There's some art stuff click on the "Read more" below!

Every been to a city where they have the same statue all over the place but painted differently? New Rochelle has these Fluer de Lis things. Here's a map of them all? Is that cheating?

If somepony grafittis this, could you tell?

Random creepy dimensional gateway thing over there. Good thing no pony remembers the incantation to open it?

 Art displays in the Library from the local schools. This Lady looks happy!

 This looks kinda all over the place but it's still very comforting somehow?

 That's a cool looking lion... wait a minute is that blood in it's mane? Aw gross! I guess it's gotta eat...

This must have taken FOREVER to do! Cut up a bunch of cards and stuff. It DID get an "honorable mention" ribbon! Oh and if you want it, that will only be... $3000?

 Close-up of a piece using wood and... some kind of enamel? Looked cool.

 Want an apple? You think it's good? Or is there something wrong with that apple?

 Long dark tunnel. Where do you think it goes?

 This looks good in an art display but I imagine not so much in a regular home?

 Oh, yeah. Zoom in and see the thick paint on this one!

 Haha sneeze art. Bless you! Actually like the colors on this one.

 I like this piece it's full of emotion and wonder, using very little to convey all that stuff.

 Here's the flyer for the show! My friend was amazing as always! Her parts were the BEST obviously.

Homework Help Center. There's no help for you here? I know it's a Saturday but still a little funny to see it empty.

One final creepy-masked Fluer de Lis in the Library. Did I get a picture of this before? Not the first time I've been to this library and this this IS creepy enough.

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