Thursday, December 1, 2016

New Rochelle Walk of Fame

Exploring the city of New Rochelle, New York, we wandered into a park that had a Walk of Fame highlighting famous residents. Perfect opportunity to grab some pictures!

 I hope you still recognize the previous host of the Tonight Show! It wasn't THAT long ago!

Click on the "Read more" below! We took these pictures mostly so I can read these plaques later and I wouldn't have to stop to read them now! So go ahead and zoom in and read them if you want?

There were lots more I didn't take pictures of, I figured if you wanted to look up exactly who is here there's a different web site for that.

 Baseball! It's been around for over a hundred years already!

According to this plaque, you can thank Madam Alexander for the "sleep-eyes" on dolls which open and close when you lay them down!

It's going to sound like the obvious thing to say here, but I'm saying it anyway! This guy is one BAD mother..... shut your mouth! I'm just talkin' bout Shaft!

 How cool is it to read that this guy had 3 front doors to his house! I wonder if he would always have a sad donkey behind one of them?

 Another cool Baseball player.

This guy wrote so much good music. He started composing because he hated practicing and would do his own thing! Next time somepony tells you to keep practicing just make stuff up?

 Did I mention there was an art festival going on today? Here's a random kid-grafitti'd wall.

Shut your cakehole! Some funny stuff going on over here!

Here's the magical banner of description?  

I guess a cartoon mouse counts as a "resident?" Sorry now you have the tune stuck in your head. Here he comes to save the day!

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