Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Top of The Rock

Not Top of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson! "The Rock" is short for the Rockefeller building in Manhattan in New York City! When a friend visits from out-of-town it's a perfect reason to do some tourist stuff like checking out how massive this city is! Who's going all the way up without getting pictures to share?

This classic picture from the building of this... building is typical of NYC's upward expansion era when all these towers got built. just off to the right they're taking $30 photo-op pictures where your family can re-create this scene!

Click on the "Read more" below for some Top-notch pictures!

Yawn, movie of some kind as you wait in line...

The elevator had a glass ceiling and lights in the shaft. Everypony got all dizzy looking upward and moving so fast. Did my ears just pop?

Outside the elevator on top was glass sculptured walls looking like they were frozen ice. It was pretty cold that day!

Run over to the window and take a picture! We're so high up!

Check out next to the building with the H&M on it, you can see the famous Times Square New Year's Eve ball. Still says 2016.

Looking at the street from up here, we started to freak out a bit realizing how high up we were and trying to imagine how exactly we are not crashing down at any moment.

Here's the Escalator that takes you up to the outside area. Odd that there didn't seem to be any door to close around it, so if it snows or something it's going to get all downstairs and stuff?

The glass walls have slots in them. Here's me being brave trying to get a picture standing on the outside ledge. It was mega windy I kept falling over. I must be CRAZY trying to get this picture!

Ah got the picture! Now quick grab me before the wind gets me!

Taking pictures through the slots in the glass is much clearer.

There's the Empire State Building. It's less expensive to get up on top of the Rockefeller Building and you're almost up as high.

Those antennas are really the "top" but I'm sure security would have a problem if you tried to climb up there.

 We paid a few quarters to zoom in on the Empire State Building crowd.

Up on the top-top there are no glass walls but it was super cold and windy up here.

Check out Central Park and so... much... city!

Super tall skinny building looks like it's missing some floors in the middle?

There's Queens across the river. Can we see my friend's apartment from up here?

Nice compass tiled on the floor.

Of course there's a gift shop way up here. Laser glass building perhaps?

That's us, we've been to the top!

The sun started streaking through the clouds it was cool looking.

This picture had some odd reflections going on, looks like some kind of giant force-fields throughout the city?

Safe and sound on the ground. We were way up there a few minutes ago!

Gotta get a picture of the tree! When they say "Christmas tree" they mean an actual TREE. It's so big and full of lights!

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