Monday, May 20, 2019

Founder's Day 100

The tiny little town we currently call home holds a big community picnic each year and says um, let's call it "Founder's Day!" Fans of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine may be expecting something different. Anyway... we went this year and took some pictures to share. Victory is life!

Rain-delayed from the previous weekend, today was a relatively fantastic day considering what we've been getting this Spring. We had to walk all the way down a sidewalk leading away from the fair to get this picture, and turned back some people who were following us as we headed back. We only went this way to get the picture. The kids went "See? Told ya!" So that was a little fun.

This town is 100 years old! Click on the "Read more" below to see the picnictures.

Over there you can see the giant field and all the tents and stuff.

Little fire truck to give the kids the illusion they are rushing off to go save some people and stuff.

Here's the big stage. I guess we missed some announcements or something, but they had a band taking the stage when we got there.

Hmm.. too early for bouncy castles? It was about 1pm and we thought we were getting there late. Not that we really wanted to go into a bouncy castle right away.

Saw these martial arts guys doing some Tai Chi exercises. Do you think everybody thought the same thing of "I should join in, but I'm certain I would look like a fool."

We've been to many backyard barbecues, so seeing food cooked on a grill that you need to pay for, seems wrong somehow. Not that we are complaining, that's just an internal observation.

There's a $3 Hot Dog and $3.50 worth of Fries. $1 Soda is the bargain here. At least we saved the 5 minute walk to the nearby McDonald's. Haha I'm only teasing, the food was actually really tasty.

By the time we were done eating, all of the bouncy houses were all blown up, and blown up with with long lines.

This one was like a army obstacle course. I wonder if that thing screams "maggots!" at everybody?

There was a big jumper thing there. I wonder if the adults wanted to go, or were they just waiting in line with their kids?

That mountain climbing thing doesn't look safe at all. Is it possible to fall down and not bounce off the edge onto the hard ground?

The band was playing covers of classic rock songs. This is obviously way better and more classy than just having a big radio playing mix tapes.

I don't think they were letting people climb up there. Do we have any tall buildings around here to need such a big ladder?

Squirtle, use water gun! That's what all those kids must be thinking practicing using the low-power fire hose.

This spinning thing was the closest thing to a "real" ride there.

This looked cool but who's going to have the patience to play a full game of chess like this?

Let's hope that they named the town "Plainsboro" because there were grassy plains everywhere. Not that because it was un-extraordinary and rather plain. Because sometimes it feels that way. But they did throw this big party, and that's not plain at all.

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