Here's some random pictures, including a short tale about a piece of haunting artwork.
Okay my friend has to share this bizarre story. While watching an anime, Fate: Apocrypha, this painting is seen in the background. He's seen that painting before, and back then, there was a odd discussion about how that painting wound up in the apartment. At the time, nobody knew, and it was dismissed as just a strange thing to have on the wall.
Much like my friend's reaction to seeing it, the anime also seemed intensely focused on the painting in the background. It was like seeing a ghost. Like some kind of time travel paradox. How?... How is that the same painting?! Why is the anime so focused on sharing this with my friend? He was freaking out a bit, and had to stop watching because he was really not paying attention to the show anymore, all he could think about was this painting.
The anime at one point showed only the painting, full screen! He shared this story with his brother, who recognized the painting! It was also in the game Animal Crossing, which had a collection of famous paintings. In Animal Crossing it was called, literally, "common painting." Google quickly discovered it's a famous French piece "The Gleaners" depicting common workers during a time when only aristocrats were painted. The anime was using it to foreshadow the rising power of the characters. So we sort of discovered how it could have appeared in the apartment so many years ago, as well, if it was truly a common famous painting. And even though it turned out to be just an odd rare coincidence, it still was a shocking event for my poor friend caught unaware.