Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Pizza Box

 I think I have enough pictures to "pick up the pace" for a hot minute. We had a couple of vacation days we had rolled-over into the new year that were set to expire soon, and even though we couldn't travel to visit family yet, we still got out and about, and took a bunch of pictures to share. So you can check back a few times each week,... if you like.

This is another round of plain old random pictures. Like this Panera Bread Pizza we finally re-tried. My friend used to get them all the time before they stopped selling them, and now they are back! At first it seemed a little expensive, but after we were done eating it, it seemed about right. The real selling point is the awesome cardboard box it came in. We've been using it as an eat-in-the-car tray for weeks now, we should have done this a lot sooner!

Oh, wow! Those kids will never catch him and get his Lucky Charms once he speeds away in this car! No fair! That's cheating!

Hahahaha! Recent-Superbowl winner Rob Gronkowski gets his own WWE Wrestling figure?! I'm not super-keen on wrestling figures, I wonder how many other "celebrities" got this sort of thing?

There it is! The Key To Life! And all sorts of other keys for things you might like. Could it be this easy? Hmm... do you need to find the locks these fit in, for them to actually work?

I'll say it again, the actual game Fortnite is rather "meh" but the character designs are top-notch. Who never thought of "TNTina" before? That's just such a cool name for a character.

Call of Duty Monopoly? That's not a lot of overlap in customer appeal. Like, people who play lots of Call of Duty are probably not going to be interested in Monopoly. There are some thematic similarities with all of the cut-throat business dealings and generally being mean to the other players. You just got sniped!

Anybody else having trouble remembering the subtitle names of the recent Star Wars movies? This sounds about right.

Don't feel bad for Michael Burnham and Saru, they are both well-developed, amazingly-acted characters. It's not their fault the writers ruined Star Trek. My friend wanted to say that, he's still a little bitter about what they did to the legacy of the shows.

My Little Pony and... Dungeons & Dragons?! What an odd combo that I'm not going to complain about. What kind of D&D character would Minty be? Ranger? Paladin maybe? I do like getting out and exploring new places!

Here's the back of the box with the character names if you were curious. I'll mention that the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon previously established it's own D&D knock-off game called "Ogres & Oubliettes" which they actually had a few whole episodes about.

Some kind of Karaoke booth in the mall? Not curious enough to try it out, but odd enough to get a picture to share.

This thing bam'd back memories of an old friend we named "Mystery". Mystery was a generic plushie that kind of looked like a lamb in a space suit but might have been a rabbit or a mouse or something, we couldn't quite be sure. This was in an Easter set-up, so I'm guessing this is maybe a lamb. That memory seems like so long ago, but also like yesterday.

Speaking of so-long-ago, we saw these Skylander figures in a Five Below that we didn't remember seeing ever. I guess they did make hundreds of figures for that game, it's not impossible to believe we've seen these before but just don't remember. Skylanders did have the coolest-looking art on their figure sculpts, for sure.

Everybody collect-up your "Mr. Potato Head" stuff before HE gets an odd name change to just "Potato Head" because they think it's weird to put the female eyes of Mrs. Potato Head on Mr. Potato Head. And maybe just naming them all the same is better somehow?

I talk a lot about how toys are kind of like "Art" but puzzles are a LOT like art. Sometimes you have to stop and just appreciate the art on the puzzles. These monsters were so interesting I just had to get a picture to share.

This is one of those puzzles that seems very evil but fun at the same time. Remember when Lego minifigures all had the same exact smiley face? That one isn't even in this picture! How could they leave out the classic smiley face?

Some ships from the Star Wars:Resistance cartoon. Which got very little advertising and was hard to track down where to see it, so nobody watched it. Despite that, it was actually a good show. If you can find it, I'd recommend it to any Star Wars fan.

Don't think I've posted a picture of the Minty POP! Figure. Here I am! Classic Minty looks a little different from my modern look.

There was an episode of Family Guy where Stewie sees this Queen album cover and is terrified by the picture of the robot. Brian torments him by placing the picture everywhere. It was a funny bit, and fun to see this POP! Figure version of that robot.

Is it odd that you hear about "TV" shows these days, but don't really know where to watch them? If you can find The Boys, it was a fun sort of parody on the superhero stuff. It's not for kids, though. Unless you are a really grown-up kid.

I caught a little bit of conversation online about the new character design for Lola Bunny in the upcoming Space Jam update. Just to remind everybody, here's what she used to look like. The new design is a lot less... this.

Now that we are aware of Katsushika Hokusai from the character in the Fate: Grand Order game, we are seeing his artwork in more and more places. Like on the side of this Hot Wheels car! Why is this crashing wave so popular? You can see it on lots of things.

Ooooh somebody knows what they did here. Enter for a chance to win "a unique experience" with Lady Gaga. They even have the outrageousness to say "see back for details"! I bet Mother Monster doesn't know about this.

About a year ago, we saw an antique sign for this in a thrift store, and here it is! Is this soda antique? I could go for a little Squirt right now.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but we might enjoy this better than Nachos. We cut up chicken strips into bits that we dip in the cheese with a jalapeno slice. I'm not sure how to spell it, but we've been calling this "Nugchos".

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