Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Shamrock Day!

 Happy St. Patrick's Day! As always, Minty is wearing a nice shade of mint green! These are not holiday-themed pictures even though I'm posting them on the holiday, it's just more random stuff again.

Hello person from the future reading this! During the "Covid Times" some stores in the mall had these carts as gatekeepers to avoid overcrowding. They could only allow 12 people in the store at a time, and it still seems crowded in this tiny Box Lunch store.

Spoiler alert! Is this the first merchandise we've seen with The Child's name on it? Not that it's any big deal really. Everybody was calling him "Baby Yoda" so maybe a minor spoiler to let you know he's not named "Yoda" but something else instead.

For those that don't know, Diana Prince is Wonder Woman's secret identity. My friend thought it would be funny to buy this jacket and throw it on his bedroom floor. What is he talking about?

That shirt sounds funny but that sort of math doesn't seem to add up. Is it like, Tuesday on Mars?

These puppy gift bags made me want to recieve a gift in them. It's like.. what happens if the bag is better than the gift?

You think you are the type of person who needs this to keep people away? It seems to me that if you are the type of person who would buy this, you might not really need it.

My friend has four cats, does that qualify her as a "Cat Lady"? She laughed when we sent her this picture.

Disney has been trying for several years to have thier own Build-a-Bear type of plushie to dress up in various outfits. Saw this new thing called nuiMOs which looked pretty cute. I didn't immediately get one, but maybe next time I go to the theme parks. I didn't see any Star Wars characters yet.

Anybody seen the YouTube "Inception Cat"? I can imagine every conference call having this cat peek in on it.

Haha that logo has an obvious Lego minifigure in it. Are they going to paint my little Lego house I just built?

I find it ironic that these were seen in a Walmart. As the whole world shut down to stop the spread of the Corona Virus, Walmart remained open, so that people could still buy stuff they needed. So Walmart Employees are just as much "Frontline Heroes" as the medical people. Not to take away anything from the brave Healthcare Workers, but Walmart Employees lack the expert equipment and training to keep themselves safe.

Were Chia Pets a thing back when Knight Rider was on the air? Baywatch at least, right? How late are they with this?

My friend thought this is a perfect example of how he says sincere things but it kind of sounds like he's being a jerk. This book is meant for kids and it obviously wants to explain, but you gotta admit it sounds a little pompous to just flat out say "Who is Kamala Harris?"

Yes we like popcorn and yes we like cotton candy, but I'm not sure if that's a good combonation. Not curious enough to try it.

Sometimes I forget that Svengoolie shows old movies which seem like they are too old to be scary, and then I realize that yeah, they are HORROR movies and casually whopping off some guy's head on "regular TV" shouldn't shock me as much as it did. They usually give intense-scene disclaimers, maybe I missed this one. If you're curious, the name of the movie is "The Thing That Couldn't Die" but you've been warned!

Any Nerf gun fans out there? The new Dinosaur themed guns are pretty cool looking. It's been a while since we've bought a Nerf gun but we're still fans I guess.

Everybody seen WandaVision at this point? The season is over so you can catch up if you can. Before the WandaVision series, they had never once, on screen, said the name "Scarlet Witch" but somehow the merchandise people knew of spoilers for the show 6 years ago? Here's an action figure from 2015's The Age of Ultron. So if you've not seen the series yet, remember her name is Wanda Maximoff and you've never heard the name Scarlet Witch.

Got the new Spicy Chicken Sandwich from KFC and had an interesting experience. I was overwhelmed by how much of an exact copy of the amazing Popeye's Chicken Sandwich it was. Like, I was sitting there thinking I was eating the Popeye's sandwich but I swear I was just at a KFC. Did some kind of space/time warp just happen?

Obviously this is a funny thing to see in big letters as you pass by. It totally "worked" to get me to take a picture to share, so good for them!

Saw these in the Easter section, and I think they got the holiday seasons mixed up here.

Can't decide if you want cereal for breakfast, or a Pop Tart? Why not do BOTH! Whoa! You just blew my mind!

Speaking of getting your mind blown... Sorry for the spoiler if you are not all caught up, but I have to just share how awesome it was to see KERMIT THE FROG on The Masked Singer. As a big fan of The Muppets, it's a cool thing that the characters have always been treated like "real people" and not like, the puppeteers or whatever.

I don't know what happened recently but Pokemon cards are sold out everywhere you look. So it was worth pointing out to a Pokemon-fan friend when we saw they were in cereal boxes now. I'm not sure what's the deal with the sudden demand on Pokemon cards.

Funny to point out that the Pokemon cards in cereal boxes does NOT include cards in the actual Pokemon Cereal. Is this an odd psychological behavioral experiment to torture kids who want both Pokemon Cereal and Pokemon Cards? Which will they choose?

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