Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 Snack time! You may remember I bought a "kit" for Halloween that included melting wafers and Pretzels. I didn't get to fix them until Xmas but they were good enough for a re-run. Later when I saw an Easter kit available, I decided to try to assemble my own kit. And here's the snack story in pictures!

The Pretzels and Wafers Bag were $3 each. I tried to get some "Minty"-colored wafers, even if they taste like vanilla instead of mint. I already had some rainbow sprinkles, for ice cream, but decided to buy some special colors. I almost didn't, because I was thinking "who am I trying to impress? Sprinkles are sprinkles." But I AM going to take pictures of this, so I guess I AM trying to impress somebody! Special color sprinkles were $1 per tiny bag, I suggest you buy a giant cup of rainbow sprinkles for like $2. Like a mad scientist, I'm ready to cook!

Scoop a handful of wafers into a microwave-safe bowl. I think I used maybe 1/3 of the bag, maybe more. Like, a little under half. I'm not using measuring scoops or anything, sorry if you were expecting that kind of recipe. I did use the microwave at 50% power for 1 minute, then stir, then 50% power at 30 second, then stir, then maybe again at 50% power and 30 seconds? Repeat the 30 seconds until you can stir it into a paste. That's like recipe instructions for you.

While the wafers are melting we cracked open the bag of pretzels and cut little corners out of the sprinkles for pouring. This bag has a TON of pretzels in it! There will certainly be a lot of pretzels left over.

Okay! looks like the waffers have melted into a gooey mess. I tried to get a drippy picture coming off of the spoon.

Use the spoon to pour the melted stuff over the pretzels. I'm not sure exactly how "thick" to make them, but the stuff covers the pretzels fairly well without it either globbing on too much, or slipping right off. You see the aluminum foil back there? That's where we are going to put them after this step.

Pink sprinkles um... sprinkled... onto the mess.

White sprinkles next! This thing is starting to look familiar to Minty. Is that my reflection in the aluminum foil?

Repeat steps whatever to whatever... Was I numbering steps? Looks like the handful of waffers I melted made about 7 pretzles. That's a pretty good amount for just me and one snack time. Maybe a little too much for one snack time, but a good chef will tell you to always make more than you expect to need. Or maybe I just made that part up to justify eating extra pretzels.

Looks like I used up more than half of the sprinkles, they are almost gone. The pretzel bag looks like it's totally full, did I even take any out? Am I going to be eating pretzels for a while? I suggest getting a smaller quantity of pretzels.

Even though there's not enough sprinkles for another batch of special artistic versions, we still have plenty of wafers and regular rainbow sprinkles for a few more batches.

Another tip I figured out for next time; I think I'm going to put the aluminum foil on a cookie tray, so I can lift the whole thing into the refrigerator for cooling. You have to let the wafers cool back into a solid state, and we waited about a whole torturous hour before we finally munched into these.

There was some "spillage" of the sprinkles from around the pretzels. Feel free to recycle these any way you want. Either by pouring them back into another sprinkles container, or um... straight into your hungry mouth!!! Hahaha

The bowl and spoon are perfect for licky-licks. It's okay, nobody is looking at you. Or... make sure nobody is looking at you, at least.

Here they are! Pop in a movie and get to snacking! They turned out pretty tasty! I'm not really sure how we could have gotten this wrong, it was a pretty straight-forward procedure. Maybe you might need to be careful to not make a big mess when you are preparing them? Or maybe make sure you use 50% power on the microwave if the wafers can burn up at a higher setting? I don't know if they would or not.

I tried to get a close-up of the "Minty-colored but not Minty-flavored" finished pretzel. I think the green could have matched me a little better. That's more of a Mike Wazowski-green. But the pink and white mane matches okay.

And if you were curious, yes the bottoms of them look kind of flat. I tried to roll a few back and forth to pick up the spillage sprinkles, with mixed results. It would be awesome to have a giant tub of sprinkles to dunk these into! Then there would be sprinkles all around for sure. Enough with the pictures, time to enjoy some pretzels!

Extended-pictures! The story isn't quite done yet! While telling a co-worker about these pretzels, and came to the part about having lots of leftover pretzels, he suggests we just get some cake frosting and use it as a dipping sauce. Hahahaha! Wait... that's actually a good idea!

The biggest flaw in this plan, we thought, is that there would be no way to do this without feeling like a complete gluttonous slob. And once we were "digging in", it did indeed feel like a ridiculous indulgence.

The cake frosting picks up the sprinkles without hesitation. This is sooo much quicker than melting candy wafers! It's a little odd how the melting wafers and carefully crafting the pretzels feels like it's "okay" and quickly dipping the cake frosting feels like "what are you doing, are you crazy!!!!??"

The tiny amount of sprinkles that came with the cake frosting were quickly devoured, and we switched to the rainbow sprinkles jar. Just shove the pretzel with frosting on it down there and it magically grabs as much sprinkles as it can stand.

I don't think it's necessary to tell you how awesome this was, you can probably just see that it looks great. A little like rolling downhill in an unsteer-able cart. Hoooo-boy is it a lot of fun, but you just feel like you're out of control of the situation, really. Stop worrying and enjoy the tasty ride!

One final funny picture; while putting away the frosting, we noticed this little sentence on the package that says "Contains a Bioengineered Food Ingredient" and that's it. No further explanation. So... is this where zombies came from? It started with cake frosting of all things? Or does that just mean this frosting is engineered to be extra-yummy, like, mathematically?

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