Monday, July 29, 2024

Hot Pics

 Hot pictures! Well... kinda hot.

My friend got a Hot Ones set for an Xmas gift, and got around to mixing up some nuggets in it. Mixed-up nuggets was probably going to be a little better than using regular wings, since he generally just picks at wings instead of gobbling the while thing down, if that makes sense. He skipped right to the middle one, since he's a "hot sauce" guy, and took it rather well. It was hot, but nothing he couldn't handle. He looks forward to trying The Last Dab sauce in the future!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Lot of Flair

 These pictures are stylin' and profilin'! WOOOOOO!

So many Ric Flair figures! So much WOOOOOOOO! You might not be able to tell, since he's wearing his classic entrance robe, but these are done in the same style as 80's Masters of the Universe figures. No doubt The Nature Boy is looking to get the title from He-Man! I can almost hear him say: "To be the He-Man, you gotta BEAT the He-Man!"

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Upside-Down Toys

 Stranger Things! And by "things," I mean pictures.

If it's an 80's toy, it will get a Stranger Things version of it. That's not to say that whenever they do it, it's not like... super cool. It usually is. Check out the Demogorgon's staff with the 20-sided dice on the ends. Some parts of Eternia are similar to the Upside-Down. Maybe if those kids wander around some more, they'd meet Skeletor?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Surprise Movie

 Coming soon? How about right now?

Driving past the movie theater to get to the grocery store, and I have to jump out and check out the coming soon poster that caught my eye. Have you seen the anime Spy Family?! They have a movie?!! Anime "movies" are not that rare of a thing, but to see them in a big theater is. I know the date on the poster is from a while ago, but I took this picture during the week it was going to be out. So I didn't have to wait long at all to see it!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Yummy-Looking Pictures

 Yummy pictures you can't eat.

Aside from the crushed box, this is a bit of a tough call for a kid. I mean, look at it! That Play-Doh looks so delicious as perfectly curled ice cream cones! But... you can't eat it! AHHHH! The torture! This must be some kind of practice for your kid to resist delicious food when it's right in front of them. Clearly, I might need some practice at that, myself!