Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Lot of Flair

 These pictures are stylin' and profilin'! WOOOOOO!

So many Ric Flair figures! So much WOOOOOOOO! You might not be able to tell, since he's wearing his classic entrance robe, but these are done in the same style as 80's Masters of the Universe figures. No doubt The Nature Boy is looking to get the title from He-Man! I can almost hear him say: "To be the He-Man, you gotta BEAT the He-Man!"

Use your inner-Seinfeld voice: What is the deal with the Fisher-Price LittlePeople? Are they for toddlers, are they for adults? Who are these for?!

Check out this crazy Battleship Outer Space version! It's been a long time since I've played a game of Battleship, but I can immediately see this is an awesome upgrade, and I kinda want to play now.

There's a show I watch called Collector's Call, where they go around and check out collector's um... collections. This episode had somebody who had a lot of stuff from another favorite show; Survivor. Here's THE ORIGINAL Immunity Necklace from the very first season! Yeah, some fan has it in their collection. The expert guy said it's worth $175,000 or more! But... The contestants who play on the show, always say that thing might be worth "A Million Dollars" if it helps them win.

Screenshot from a The Simpsons episode. The Star Wars language Aurebesh text along the wall there repeats "Boba Tea" which is the joke. Boba Fett... Boba Tea? Get it? 

Sharing another picture of a random cute toy I saw while wandering. Check out the little movie theater figures! One of them fell asleep and the other is wearing the outdated red/blue 3D glasses. Do kids even know what those are? Bonus funny-points for the happy toilet figure over there in the other set.

These "Exclusives" found their way to a Five Below store. Busted! You ARE NOT exclusive! I can almost understand if 7-Eleven ditches excess inventory, but the other one says "Funko.com Exclusive"! That's the company that makes the things! Super-Busted! Hahahahaha! Shame on them for doing that, right?!

What happens when this truck.... stops? All the water is going to swoosh out onto the truck! They have to slow down really slowly...

What a cool thing for NASCAR to have merchandise for the racecars which are covered with sponsor logos. Do those sponsors know about this extra exposure? Also, bonus points for the UPS exec who thought to sponsor a car, like... check out how fast UPS is, yo! This car is not only racing, but it's delivering packages, too!

I saw the text over there that says 43 Quintillion combinations and only one solution. In the Avengers:Endgame movie, Dr. Strange says he saw 14 million fights with Thanos, and only one where they win. So... mathematically... it's easier to defeat Thanos, than solve a Rubik's Cube, by A LOT. Mathematically. Just so you know, a Quintillion has 18 zeros, and a Million only has 6 zeros.

GROSS! I'm a grown-up, and I can't imagine being a child in the toy aisle and see this decaying grey heart in a broken ribcage nightmare. Are there any standards to toy aisles? Who do I get upset at? Should I be upset? I mean... I posted this picture... so, um... am I guilty now, too?! AHH! Why did I post this picture?! At least I posted a zoomed-out picture, this guy is pretty detailed up close.

What is this for? It's a platform with wheels, and Disney Princesses all over it. Is this so little girls can do auto repairs under their parent's cars? Wow, now that's some powerful "equality"! Sure, little girls can do auto repairs!

Ugh! How insane can they be, using the word "complete" on any book for Pokémon. You just know they are going to make more, and then this is no longer "complete" anymore. Sigh. Look; they are even selling it in a numbered set! How can you have two books, and each one be "complete"? It's like they don't understand the meaning of words or something.

These adorable baby plushies come with a little hammock that you sling over your shoulder to carry them in! So convenient! My friend got a fun laugh out of imagining how ridiculous he'd look walking around with one of these, like... don't act like you have it on or anything. Wouldn't that be funny?

I have some friends this would be perfect for. I just heard them laugh about it in my head.

My friend was hit with a huge blast of nostalgia when he saw this. How long has it been since he's had a Little Hug barrel?! As a kid, he used to have these all the time!

Ah, scented toys, that look like cupcakes. Cute little bears. I took this picture for the funny thing you'll now notice; the large text that says "THIS IS A TOY. DO NOT EAT" I guess it does look and smell like a cupcake. You can't blame a kid for trying to eat it, can you?

Blind box emotions! Inside Out 2 nails the perfect collectible blind box experience. Are you happy you got Joy? Mad that you got Anger? You can see where I'm going with this...

My friend was in a wacky mood and decided to get chocolate chip cookies and ice cream for... diner. Is there some kind of sign to tell us that's a bad idea? Check out the total! That's just evil! Let this be a lesson to the kids: When you are a grown up, if you feel like having cookies and ice cream for diner... you can! For the record, it was oddly just "okay" and not as amazing as we thought.

Oh, no. This ludicrously large warning sticker on the Lego box, that was not there before, tells me clearly that some poor child was hurt by eating a battery. What a super bummer. I feel so bad for a kid I don't even know! I did not go into the Lego Store to feel that kind of feels.

Creeeeeeeepy! It was so creepy I had to share it with you! So... sorry? D'oh!

I'm a fan of chocolate rocks, and these were a lot bigger than they normally are. These look just like real rocks! You could totally put one of these outside next to real rocks and freak out your friends by fooling them! Just make sure you grabbed the chocolate one before you bite it!

Still in the candy section and I noticed these cool little treasure chests with a bunch of stuff that's not candy. Oh, there's a little bit of candy. Does that count? I feel like this is tricking me somehow, but I'm too lazy to figure out how.

Do mermaids have treasure chests? Should this be like, a shell or something? Maybe one too many pictures of candy, but I thought I should get a picture of the girl-version with the cute mermaids. They did not have any mint-colored ones as shown on the picture there. I'm a popular color.

That's what I'm talking about! Another answer to the question "Who you gunna call?"! OPTIMUS! Remember; in the cartoon series they did a bit after the movie where Starscream was a ghost. They should have called the Ghostbusters to get rid of him.

2nd-hand Lego store has the ship from the Disney Park ride for the Star Wars Resistance. I got a funny thought that it's okay this would not include any minifigures, since YOU are the minifigure! Just fill it up with a bunch of random tourists going on the ride with you.

You can tell this spatula was made by a real fan of Star Wars, to use such a fun quote on the side. To be fair, there's a lot of dialogue and maybe there's something for a lot of things... did that make sense?

They missed both parking spots hahahahaha! Busted! Is there a fun story to go with this lack of awareness? There must be a reason they did this, you think?

Life-sized Cubone and Psyduck pokemon plushies. Who wants a life-sized plushie of your favorite pokemon?! It makes it feel so much more real to look over and see these right in front of you.

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