Monday, July 29, 2024

Hot Pics

 Hot pictures! Well... kinda hot.

My friend got a Hot Ones set for an Xmas gift, and got around to mixing up some nuggets in it. Mixed-up nuggets was probably going to be a little better than using regular wings, since he generally just picks at wings instead of gobbling the while thing down, if that makes sense. He skipped right to the middle one, since he's a "hot sauce" guy, and took it rather well. It was hot, but nothing he couldn't handle. He looks forward to trying The Last Dab sauce in the future!

I forgot what the occasion was, but it was celebrated with a Carvel Ice Cream Cake. If you buy the smallest one, half of it is like, a big slice of the regular-sized cake.

Little kid camera. Picture is a large bear in the wild. WHY ARE YOU SENDING YOUR CHILD INTO THE BEAR-FILLED FOREST!!!! Aaaaargh! Sorry kid, good luck. I wonder if your toy gun will offer you any protection.

Um.... did they even try to look up the name before they put it on the product? Or is this really made out of... people?! I'll steal this joke from Futurama, which had a Soylent Cola: How is it? Eh, it varies from person to person.

BOOM! I was about to leave this Walmart, and the guy next to me just backs right up into the other car driving past. No way did he not see that car coming. Maybe he was just staring at the backup camera screen in the dashboard instead of actually... looking? 

I backed up to get a picture of the damage. Right on that front wheel. Ahhh I feel so bad for them. C'mon, it's a parking lot! Ugh. Looks like they are okay, at least. I guess that's why insurance is a thing.

Fairy Slime? Something tells me this is not-cool. Where does fairy slime come from? The fairies, somehow?

Painting of a door. Why not just have a painted actual door? You're going to put this in a room... which probably has a door. Oh! Wouldn't it make a cool story if you hung this on your wall... and it opened?! What's inside?! Another cool story idea from Minty.

Squirt Gun shaped like a donut? Cool! Despite the way it looks, it was actually quite comfy to hold.

Sometimes I'm quite a sucker for booster packs, and I couldn't resist this new thing I saw named "Insta Poodles". that name was plain clever and adorable. "Cuteness in a cup"? Yes, please! I'll take one.

You open it up to see a brick of noodle stuff locked down. the only way to get at the poodles is to pour water in and um... cook the noodles.

I wish I was clever enough to give you a video instead of just a picture here, because watching the water fizz really gives you a horrible yet hilarious image of boiling poodles. Just-this was worth the small price of the thing. It was awful and funny at the same time.

Once the water stopped fizzing, you can pull out the poodles with the chopsticks provided. Aren't they cute?

Here they are! The few poodles I got and the checklist with the rest of them. I'd recommend you get at least one of these, that is, if you want to watch little poodles boil. Don't worry, I think they like it. Maybe pretend it's a hot tub, and not... boiling soup.

I remember when they put the Pokémon Cards behind the register at Walmart. So the kids wouldn't steal them. Now... it's precious um... baby formula. Is that weird?

Yikes, another evolution of retail shopping. Glass cases around the cosmetics aisle, along with other specific spots. In case (is that a pun?) you don't know why; there was a trend of coordinated mobs rushing in to loot small items, as the couple of store security people were powerless to stop such large groups. This is a silly attempt at slowing the mobs down, but it winds up seeming plain silly. 

Yay! Random Neopets shirt spotted at a Hot Topic. My friend has a Cybunny pet but it's robot-colored. This shirt is a Faerie Cybunny. It's been a long time since he's checked on them. The website will say they are "starving" but they never actually starve.

Funny sign. Maybe these are standard prices on the Star Trek world of Ferenginar.

Is this anybody? I feel like this sometimes. Some people might say I've been like this for years by now.

I didn't do this, sometimes other people make random funny words in the art store.

Everybody dance now! I didn't know they made soda at the C & C Music Factory, too.

Massive amount of seagulls tearing up that pizza slice. My friend had the funny thought to run over there like an idiot to watch them all scramble away. But he didn't.

Saw a book of lame jokes and flipped through it for a minute. This particular light bulb joke was good enough to get a picture and share.

That four-barreled pistol looked awesome! How is that not a popular thing? Has any movie or show done a multi-barreled gun like that?! I know the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. show had a character who has a shotgun/axe, but the axe part was on the front, it looked a lot cooler there.

I bet I'd surprise myself with how much Dungeons & Dragons trivia I'd know. It's been a long time since I played any, but I might remember more than I think I would.

Ouch! Did you notice it? That Hot Wheels says "Vintage Racing Club" and the car is a 2002 BMW. "Vintage"? Really?

Cool figures. Basically just an excuse to plug the Netflix version of One Piece, which I enjoyed a lot. You can tell it's based on an anime, but don't let the stop you from giving it a try. They did an amazing job with it, and it's got a great story and characters and stuff.


Oh snap. Sometimes you roll the dice and get unlucky with neighbors like this. Do they really need a sign for it? Is that too much?

AH! Finally! For so long, I have wanted for them to sell wagon wheels in the store! I must write a letter to my friends across country to tell them the good news. Now I will finally be able to fix my wagon. And in several fortnights, I might surprise them with a visit.

Hahahahahaha GROSS!!!!! It's a FIVE POUND bag of... mealworms! Your chickens will think it's a treat. Hilarious to see this in a hardware store though. Caught me off-guard but in a funny way.

Bamboo Toothpicks. Are these for when you get bamboo wedged between your teeth? I hate when that happens!

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