Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Best Blog Plaque

 Another round of pictures! My treat this time. Um... just like every time.

I'm in this old deli with a bunch of plaques on the wall with newspaper clippings about the place. Now that newspapers are becoming extinct, will these turn into print-outs of internet blogs? Minty says this deli is the best! Now print me out and hang ME on the wall!

AH! The space-time continuum collapses as you try and purchase a Target checkout... in the Target checkout! This might create some kind of downward spiral loop of beeps, as they each beep each other into infinity.

I already ranted about the disappointing Super Mario Odyssey; how it teased a wedding throughout the entire game and at the end Peach stomps on Mario's heart like a goomba. Rejected. Game was fun, but I'm not sure Mario is going to want to rescue Peach anymore after that mess.

This not-Nerf gun is awesome. It's got both Unicorn horn and Pegasus wings, but I'd still love to have one in minty green and pink please

Is that beard supposed to be enticing me to want soup? Sorry dude, but... gross. I know it's like, your recognizable feature, and good for you to be endorsing as much stuff as you can, but... gross on the soup label design.

I bought the pretzel dipping kit on clearance last Halloween and finally got around to making some. In case you didn't catch the last time I did this, they are pretty good, which is why I got another kit. They do these every holiday or so.

I can do hot sauce all day, but sour is a no-deal for me. Society has evolved to accept this type of packaging as "funny" instead of "freaking out over toxic waste."

Looks like the DVD sections are turning into series binge sets instead of single movies. How many of these can you say you've seen all of? I think I count about 20 for me. Supernatural counts twice since it was 15 seasons.

Another homerun remix combo for the Turtles of Grayskull crossover series. The Masters of the Universe character Two Bad was two guys mashed into one, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles villains Beebop and Rocksteady were always together.

This might be the most adorable thing ever, except you remember how tragic the backstory was, and then... now you're sad. Sorry. It happened to me in the store, too.

Awwwwww yeah. Chomp. The McRib. What more can I say? Yum.

They originally made the retro figures to match the classic Kenner Star Wars "style" but now they have retro figures with the full articulation that the G.I.Joe figures had. Except it's a regular old G.I.Joe character. I feel like it's better, but also, there's no point in doing G.I.Joes like that. Did that make any sense?

If there's any boardgame that would require you to use your own figures in place of the game tokens in the box, it would be Warhammer 40,000. If you're a fan of this, you already have tons of little painted figures to use.

Awesome. You might not instantly get why this is so cool, but this Magic: The Gathering card was painted by the Japanese artist Yoshitaka Amano, who you also might not recognize by name. He's the artist responsible for a lot of the designs in the Final Fantasy video game series. This card was only available in a Japanese set many years ago, but they still use the picture for the calendar.

Randomly thrown-in Nein Numb into this Sarlacc Pit Set. I guess he's from the same movie. The other option would be to make another Millennium Falcon set, which would have cost more than this for sure.

The new Captain America: Brave New World movie went through a bunch of re-writes and re-shoots, the Lego set was cut from the final movie! It's not the first time that's happened, but still amusing.

Ugh... Spoiler alert! Thanks, action figure. K-2SO from the Rogue One movie in Star Wars: Andor packaging. More spoiler-y, he includes a gun. Which was kinda a big deal from the movie, the fact that they didn't give him a gun.

I'm too lazy to explain specifics here, but these two WWE (WWF at the time) characters were a lot of fun to watch. Socko, everybody has a price, you know these guys.

Escape room in a box! We've done a couple of these Exit: The Game sets. They were a lot of fun. There's one for kids, and a super-extreme one. Not sure I'm ready for that level, but the kids one might be too easy.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had a car in the show to merchandise. So... here it is! The merchandise, I mean.

I laughed at the random Secret Cat Cult figure set. Not attached to any show or movie or anything, I don't think. But still funny.

Disney Lorcana card game starter set has the characters Go Go Tomago from Big Hero Six, and Gadget Hackwrench from Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers. Get it? Go Go, and Gadget? There was an old not-Disney cartoon called Inspector Gadget, and whenever he would use one of his robot abilities, he would shout like "Go go gadget helicopter!" It's cute that they ripped that off for the card game, but it's not a Disney show, so... It feels like something they shouldn't have done.

This 2nd-hand Lego store has the worst pun of a name. Bricking Bad? Don't they realize the show Breaking Bad was a bad guy show? You're not supposed to root for the characters, they were villains. Why name your store after that? I don't think they knew that, and I'm too shy to lecture them into changing it. Whatever. Let 'em have a terrible name for the store.

Awww snap! We're here for the Lego sets, not the store name. Here's a display of GWP sets, or Gift With Purchase. When you shop on the Lego website or Lego Store, you buy a certain amount and get these sets "for free" which is the only way to get them, until now. Just buy the free set without buying others. Did that make any sense?

Bricklink is a website that sells 2nd-hand Lego bricks online, and they also sell exclusive "sets" made of pieces from other sets. Did that make sense, too? Usually when they offer those sets, they only offer a few and they sell out quite quickly.

Minifigs sold separately! The highlight of these types of stores. No need to buy random boxes, get the one you want for sure.

I was too lazy to get multiple pictures, but here's the minifigs from sets, sold individually. Zoom in and see if there's any you want!

There's some 3rd-party vendors who make pieces that are compatible with Lego minifigures. Of things Lego wouldn't normally make, like guns and weapons. Some people are okay with this but others prefer all the pieces to be "official" Lego pieces.

I could have taken a lot more pictures, but restrained myself. Here's some old SpongeBob sets from a few years ago.

Neat evolution display of the Lego space ship up there on the wall.

I was going to comment on the Lego float on the Thanksgiving Day parade, but this picture is so old I don't remember who sang the song or what it was about. Um... Anybody else watch the Thanksgiving Day parade?

We all got a laugh when we tried to look something up on the TV, and the auto-fill spot busted somebody who mis-spelled Arrowsmith while trying to look up Aerosmith music. D'oh!

Our friends had gotten this promo item we instantly recognized from the cartoon Bob's Burgers, it's the melted Kuchi Kopi! We were so excited and they had no idea where it was from. They gave it to us right away, since we were obviously glowing about it, and they just thought it was an odd goblin or something. It's one of those stress-things where you can squish it and it bounces back.

Considering how many variations have been made for her character, it's neat seeing classic original Harley Quinn on something. I can almost hear that card say "Puddin'".

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. car! That's like the Marvel super hero police, if you didn't know. Not sure if I should feel more safe with this here, or more worried that this is here.

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