Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Bike Rides is Back!

We had a great Saturday in April and were able to jump on our bicycle and get a good afternoon trip. So here's some pictures we took to share.

Welcome back flowers! One good day, and they are ready to spring back to life. Pun intended?

Relax and click on the "Read more" below?

Okay these are the Skylander named Star Strike. Got them on sale at Toys R Us for 50 cents each, and managed to get 12 of them. We thought it might be fun to hide them out on the bike trail somewhere, to see like how long they would remain undisturbed, if they vanished, whatever. Maybe placing treasure for other ponies to find? Anyway it seemed like an idea to add a bit of... something... to our trips?

Even though our Bike Path Druids, still not set on that name but we like "Druid," were cheap, we did spend a few bucks on this little carry bag for the bicycle. Hey we can carry other things in it, too. Sorry to say our shy little Druid did not hide anywhere on this trip. While we were scouting for hiding spots, it always seemed like there were a lot of ponies around who would see us hiding it. Might be more challenging than expected.

Never really noticed this stream by the train tracks. I guess the forest is usually covering it up through this fence.

How far back into the forest can you see?  Before all the plants have time to recover from the winter, you can see pretty far back there. Can we spot any secrets?

It was fun to watch these people try and get their canoe around this fallen tree. I wonder how long it will be until somepony clears this path?

Rode over to Princeton and found another park of some kind. Looked like a soccer game going on over there. Might have been fun to stop and watch for a while but we didn't.

Check out those students on the left playing that game where you bounce a ball on a small trampoline. Is that just a fad, or will it eventually be "a thing?" Google called it Spikeball and it was on the Shark Tank TV show. Would they be happy to know students at Princeton play their game?

Looks like they are done with the scafolding around the Church. So these pictures of it, everypony takes, will be a lot better.

Is this weird grass or something? Looks like they just painted the ground green.

You could probably take hundreds of pictures of cool buildings around here. What's that statue about? Is the only purpose to hold your attention while you try and figure out what it is? How long will you spend on it?

Random tipi? Anypony living out of there? I know the boarding costs around here have to be outrageous but this is a bit ridiculous.

History lesson time! Read up on the tipi, they were not as common as pop culture would have you believe.

Is it okay to find some humor in this sign? Or do we have to be sensitive about it? Or is that the point of having such a sign? Is there still some shock value associated with this type of ad? Well, I guess I took a picture of it. Try and figure it out yourselves.

Should we be worried that this sign has been plowed down? We made extra sure there was no traffic when we crossed.

We are going to call this stretch of road "Deer Alley," there were lots of them! They were pretty good at running away quick enough so we couldn't get out the camera that fast. And they really blend into the pictures, we photo-enhanced circles around them to point them out.

Objects in camera are closer than they appear. These were next to an office building's outside eating area and were obviously curious if we had any treats for them. It was cool but scary being so close to them in the middle of nowhere on a Saturday.

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