Thursday, April 19, 2018

Sharing Pics

More pictures! No theme or trip again, just a bunch of stuff that we caught.

Stopped at the light next to this.... BURNING CAR!!! Glad for the stoplight because we really would have wanted to get a picture of this! Because it's not every day that you drive next to a car on fire. This picture didn't really capture the red flames all over it but they were there.

Nothing quite as exciting as a car that got chased down by a dragon, but click on the "Read more" below for some still-interesting pictures.

Managed to get a picture of the driver standing next to his burning car. Because he's talking on his phone and oblivious to the obvious danger of maybe... the car exploding? I don't know enough about the chances of a burning car exploding in reality, but we've seen enough action movies to know you need to run away from them in slow-motion. And all of a sudden we really wish the light would be green soon!

Driving past the local movie theatre, we saw this poster and had to run out to get a picture of it. We are fans of the Teen Titans GO TV show and had no idea they were making a... movie out of it? It's such a high-energy show, how can they possibly keep up that pace for a whole movie? We are excited to find out!

Also next to the Teen Titans GO poster was another funny poster for the new Ant Man and The Wasp movie. The stars are "life-sized" in the middle of what appears to be a blank poster.

If you don't know, Ant Man and The Wasp have suits that let them shrink down to this size. And it makes for a very amusing movie poster. Kudos to the marketing ponies who came up with this idea.

Here's a picture that, we think, will make a few friends upset with us. So I'll add some context to help. The young couple in front of us noticed the lonely $20 sticking out of this automatic checkout, and also the "monitoring in progress" displayed on the screen/camera. We all laughed and thought it might be a trap or something so we... did NOT grab the free money. Instead we got just a picture. They saw it first, so technically they could have grabbed it before us, and really no loss to just leave it there. Maybe it really WAS a trap? In any case, we did not get the free money so sorry this story cost us $20.

What are these Lego minifigures doing? Bricking? New Lego collectible minifigure series has figures in use-able brick suits. Who else wants to build a spaceship around one?

Our poor Porg in the car window is screaming it's April 2nd! What's with the SNOW! Aaauuugghhh!

Okay maybe it's time to stop randomly walking down the toy isles to see if there is anything fun to share. How many different POOP toys can there be? This one illustrated having the thing eating it, and squeeze to poop it. Kids these days... get off our lawn!

Check it out! This tire is worn down! We've lost count of how many tires we've replaced on our car but it must be over 20 by now. No kidding. We do remember that this is only the 2nd one we've replaced due to being actually worn down.

Our other tire hit a pothole and got this bubble. This is usually why we have to replace them. I'll totally be happy to mention Mavis Discount Tires offers a $10 protection plan that pro-rates replacements based on how much goodness was left. We saved 25% off the tire here.

Are we going to forget to go to this? Hopefully not, that's why we took this picture! Will there be any treasures?

Hmmm. "Recycle Sample Spoons." Let's hope they are talking about like, the... plastic... in the spoons, and not like recycling them by using them again as the same spoons. Because this sign is not very clear on that.

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