Sunday, April 1, 2018

Nor'Easter Pounding

I'm not quite sure why I don't like the word "Nor'easter" but it has nothing to do with the snow. I like the snow, usually. This time of the year there is super cold air that dips down from the north into the North Eastern part of the country and I guess the term Nor'easter stuck somehow. We got a bunch of these recently so of course we had fun wandering around in the snow getting pictures to share.

So much snow piled on top of the trees they stared falling over. Water is heavy. The yellow/blue pattern here is caused by the screen door. We were sitting inside the toasty warm apartment watching the snow fall all day.

How much snow? Click on the "Read more" below!

That snow-covered road said "Nopony going to work today!"

See that building behind those snow-covered bush-trees? That's our apartment. Keep this in mind for later.

While looking out our window, we watched one of the "big" trees fall across the street. See the solar panel from the nearby street lamp? This poor car is like "What do I do now?" There is no easy way to detour around this street without serious backtracking. Luckily it was able to sneak by.

Look at how high it's piled up on those power lines. It's like some kind of trick? How does it not fall down?

All of the small trees behind our apartment fell down from the weight of the snow. We were worried about the local squirrels and where they would hide if those trees were gone.

Those little buds on the tree thought Winter was over? That's a ton of snow all over this tree!

SNAP! CRASH! We heard this tree limb break and fall. Hmm. Let's not walk under or near any of these trees. Is it safe to be out here walking around?

Pretty sure not ALL of these limbs fell today but there was one on the ground, so that one at least.

Check out our back patio and all the crazy snow around it. Did we tell the story about how we got chairs for our patio? Not too interesting, somepony was throwing them out one day and asked if we wanted them so sure why not have some chairs outside. They are good chairs.

A neighbor had his car under a terrifyingly-low branch and decided to move it. It took an hour and three other neighbors to get his car over here.  Our big idea to put fallen tree bits under the wheels was the thing that finally helped. That and the snow plow that cleared the way. But mostly the snow plow thing.

The next night and we had to get a picture outside our door to send to my friend's family when they called. They live down south where it doesn't snow as much, so they enjoy the snow pictures.

A day or so later and most of the snow was gone. Time to check out these trees. I don't think they are going to make it.

Nothing like the smell of a fresh-snapped tree. Wasn't there a mystery novel or something about an ice weapon that melted so it left no evidence? 

Sure enough, the next day before work they were cutting them down. Poor squirrel houses. Gotta mention the very quiet saws they were using. Or maybe we have good windows? Anyway it was not very noisy at all.

Welp, here's our nice view of the street outside our window now! There's a bit of a hill so it's not as bad as it could be, but still. Wonder if they'll put in new trees? That doesn't seem likely.

 A few days later and BAM more piles of snow! Can you believe they delivered mail in this? Because it was so important to get this Target ad and coupons.

 Remember all those trees that use to be here? Scroll up the page to see them if you don't remember..

 It was late and the sun was setting but still very bright outside. Somehow it was messing with our camera giving us these blue pictures.

Haha little kid's bike covered in snow. Where were they going?

 Does the blue make it look extra cold?

 Nopony is riding a bike down this trail today. We walked down this way for a bit. Crunch crunch went the snow under our boots.

 Wishing we had a better camera so these wonderful landscapes could be less blurry. Also trying to keep the water off of our phone since it was still coming down.

 Here's us having fun in the snow. See that low-hanging tree limb? How about we grab it and shake off all the snow?

 Up it goes! Look how high it is now! Did we just save that branch? We did this for a few trees. Ah, how the simple things can make you smile.

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