Sunday, April 15, 2018

Random Clearance

Just another bunch of fun pictures taken to share. Is that similar to Robin Hood? I take pictures from the rich and, well... not really. Oh well. Anyway enjoy the pictures and merry comments.

We'll start off with something we picked up from Easter clearance for 75 cents. This here Pervert Bunny. You know what you do with these things, right? They are for cleaning yourself in the shower. So this bunny is all excited to get up in your stuff and rub all over you. If you're into that sort of thing.

More fun click on the "Read more" below!

We had neglected to get any Cadbury Cream Eggs all season and only remembered while checking out the after-Easter clearance sales. By some miracle, there was still some left so we got some to stash in the fridge for later.

Over two pounds of chocolate. At what point is this NOT a "sampler?"

Who likes the Pink Starbursts? Apparently everypony. Now you can act like a spoiled celebrity getting ready for a show and scream at your assistant to get you Starburst but only PINK ones!

Sigh. M&M gives up and offers to sell them to customers "by the bucket-load" like they demand. Hey remember, it's not M&M's fault if you eat them all at the same time, you have to be responsible about this, too.

I probably already posted pictures of these Lego statues from "The Big" Toys R Us store in our area, but since they are all closing I thought I'd make sure I got pictures of them before they went away.

To remind everypony, we first inquired about purchasing these right after they announced the closings. They told us they were worth $17,000 each and that Lego would be taking them back so no chance to get one.

A few weeks later, while checking on the sales, we mentioned it to another person who told us they were taking down names and numbers of interested ponies. So obviously we got our names down right away!

They didn't know yet if it was going to be a raffle of some kind, or maybe an auction, or anything. Maybe they would wind up going to the employees? Anyway they had a few pages full of scribbled names so we'll see what happens?

We wrote down "any" of the Lego statues but specified we would prefer Captain America here the most. Could you imagine, where would we put this in our apartment?

Could we hang Iron Man from the ceiling? What would YOU do with one of these?

It would be cool to get any of these even the Friend's girl or Duplo kid, who I thought I had a better picture of, but you can see in the corner a little bit here.

This almost life-sized First Order Stormtrooper will happily guard anypony who winds up with it. Just put it next to your chair while watching TV and look like a total BOSS.

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