Friday, October 26, 2018

Bike Rides from a few weeks ago

Another bunch of pictures from a few weeks ago taken while out riding the bike. We wonder how many more nice days we'll get this year to go out riding. Enjoy the pictures.

They've been working on this thing all summer, it's about time they put up a sign. Three years? Don't they have a few more ponies they could assign this to and finish earlier?

Almost too cold for bike rides but there's still more pictures click the "Read more" below.

Thanks to the Adult Swim cartoon The Venture Bros. whenever we see one of these butterflies we have to scream "THE MONARCH!"

I think perhaps I take too many pictures of bright green water. Maybe it makes us think we're on another planet or something?

I guess you're not getting you boat past this thing. Probably for the best, what with the construction going on.

Checking out those guys working on a drill of some sort on that barge. Hope it's not plugged in.

Odd port-a-potty on the barge. I guess it doesn't look like it, but they are surrounded by water, so probably a good thing to have that there.

This emoji floating in the swampy waters was trying to bring us down with it's grumpiness. I guess you'd be grumpy, too if you were in that smelly water.

Have we never seen this sign before? Looks like it's been here a while. Can you zoom in and scan that QR Code?

This empty soccer field at Princeton was blaring music from it's speakers at full blast. Crazy students having fun? "Welcome to MY HOUSE you don't have to GO-OOH-OHH OUT!" It was good music to peddle to.

Yep. Watching Soccer in real life is boring, too. Sorry Soccer. We keep giving you a chance and every time it's just plain boring.

Look at those tents over there! What? I said "TENTS!" haha a few ponies will get that joke, says my friend.

They gave this Professor a boulder in 1890 and it's still here! It might be just a rock but it's valuable I guess.

If the classes at Princeton seem a little overwhelming, you can always take a lesson in this Japanese Drum thing. Swinging those mallets high in the air looks like good stress relief.

Zoom in and see an action shot of this deer hopping through the field. You can see the white tail.

We must have seen about 30 deer that day. They were all over the place! Here's a good picture where there's a bunch of them together. We were a little surrounded at this point.

They are freshening up the old Plainsboro House museum. We never went through that place before but when it's all done we might give it a visit and see what that's all about. 

This tractor reminds me of a friend, who shall remain anonymous. Is it fun to see your name on stuff? Absolutely.

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