This blog started with an inspiration to share fun moments for somepony who was, and still is I hope, very dear to my friend. It grew into a comforting hobby to share fun moments with anypony who cared to look. We hope there's somepony out there who would still enjoy to share some fun moments with us.

Why would we take a picture of a floor tile? This tile came from a bathroom where it had come loose from the rest of the floor. Every time you stepped on it, which was often because it was right in the middle of the floor, it would stick to your foot and promptly fall off. Clink! It was annoying, but also a little funny. Kick it back into it's spot, ready to do it again. Why didn't anypony glue it down? Clink! Again. For years. The tile never broke, nor did anypony glue it down for good. When the bathroom was due to be renovated, we kept this lone tile to remind us of all the fun times we had. Just goes to show how something seemingly worthless can be precious. Some ponies would say it's just a stupid tile, throw it away.
Sorry for the cryptic ramblings. Click on the "Read more" below there's actual funny pictures there.