Thursday, November 15, 2018

New Hope Magic

More pictures from our lazy day walking around New Hope.

Which shop is this? It's the Witch shop. That's what I asked. What? Which shop? That's what I said. Witch Shop. That's what I asked! Haha here they have a Which Shop! I mean, Witch Shop.

Click on the "Read more" below for more witchers, I mean, pictures.

That's a comfy-looking nook down there by the door. Try not to freak out when you notice the creepy white-charred giraffe totem in the corner there.

Legit potion ingredients. As real or imaginary as you'd like, you can really purchase them here.

How's this for magical? Don't even know what you want, or need to get somepony? Just get a magical box and it will contain what you don't even know you need! We almost got one, just to see if it was what we needed. For science, of course. But we didn't. We were worried it would blow our minds with truth, which could be either epic amazing or soul crushing. And my friend can't take any more crushing of his soul at this point.

Bingo, Conversation, Hope... those all sound like good things burning these magical candles could encourage. But seriously? Why would they sell one that says "Flying?" Please do not jump out your window I guarantee it will not actually make you fly.

Another great lens flare picture. What happened to the Raritan & Delaware Canal? It's right next to this. I guess this Delaware guy wanted his own canal separate from Raritan?

We just like the title "Locktender." That sounds pretty cool.

You think they could have built that shed any closer to the canal? If you go inside, careful you don't lean on that one wall.

What's the physics behind this again? How is it the water doesn't just break this all down?

Here's an odd gate in the canal under this bridge. Looks neat but what purpose does it serve?

Over there is a very odd sculpture of some kind. Lots of people taking pictures of it.

What type of creature is this? Did the witches summon it?

The plaque next to it indicates it's just art. No mention of what type of creature or name for it. This is at the far end of the shop area so it's time to turn around.

Looks like the canal just dead-ends right here into a mess.

There's the bridge we crossed to get here. Looks like it's waaaaayyy over there, but it's not really that far away.

There's a door on the ground. It's fun to imagine we could open it up and go into a little room down there. That would be a very clever way to hide something in plain sight. Who would ever think it could really go somewhere?

Haha funny clean-spot-graffiti etched into that wall over there. The witchy pentagram just can't be taken seriously next to that other scribble.

You just know we had to get some saucy pictures in the hot sauce shop. 

Three Stooges nyuk nyuk nyuk. Also, there's some lucky rabbits feet charms you might need with that sauce.

Holy Ghost sauce comes with a mini Bible! That's epic. Anypony know the scripture that deals with hot sauces?

Speedy Gonzales! It's fun to notice in the show Futurama, by the year 3000 they use palm trees for Xmas. Is this here a reference to that or do they not know?

Hey, the sign says touch the turf. If this is really from the stadium, I wonder how many people got tackled on this spot?

Blair's Limited Edition Caldera. It might be cheaper to hire an actual ninja, because a $3000 bottle of hot sauce is probably going to be just as harmful to you.

 Aww. You got us. This happy little unicorn made us smile.

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