Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2019 Toy Fair Pikachu Special

We got enough picture-chu of Pikachu for a whole post-achu. Everypony loves Pikachu!

Detective Pikachu is not "THE" Pikachu that is from the cartoon show. He's a new character that can talk, and solves crimes or something. The movie will be out soon enough, it was fun to get a little sneak peak at some merchandise for it! I wonder if this is a special blank non-spoiler mock-up of a lunch box, or is this the final design? Probably a teaser.

Clues! Click on the "Read more" below!

Here he is! Even the movie star should be excited to be on an actual Pokemon Card! I like how the cards usually include the illustrator's name, and here it's listed as the Film haha. We did not notice until now that it says "Promo" on the bottom of this card, when we specifically asked if they had any promo cards and were told no. So you will probably get this at a theatre, or cereal box, or Happy Meal, or something.

They had mock-up empty packages for cards that are probably going to come out with the movie. Don't worry if you can't see your favorite Pokemon's cameo in the background of the film, I'm sure they will all be captured (pun?) on the cards.

Here's some tins full of actual cards. These are for the recent Nintendo Switch game which highlights Pikachu and Eevee. Eevee might almost be as cute as Pikachu. Maybe Eevee will get the next movie lead?

They are planning to release holiday-themed statues. Here's "One Lucky Day" Pikachu. He seems to be all over that incense pot, wonder what's in it? You okay Pikachu?

Did Sherlock Holmes make this type of hat famous for detectives, or is it just a normal type of hat detectives wear? Sherlock obviously did not have Pikachu ears on his hat.

Movie versions of figures. Should they be so different than the regular Pokemon Figures? Let's all get a laugh from Mr.Mime there who is totally blowing away his spot on the commercials with the interrogation scene. 

Mega Bloks, er.. the newly-renamed Mega Construx, will be making sets based on the Detective Pikachu movie. So you can literally... put the mystery's... pieces together?

Cuddle up with Detective Pikachu and he can help you solve the case of the missing bowl of ice cream.

How many parents taking their kids to see this will fall asleep in the theatre? Jigglypuff from the cartoon would sing people to sleep, and then get so mad they fell asleep that he would pull out a marker and draw on their faces. Let's hope that's in the movie.

Could you imagine being a police officer in a world of Pokemon? That's gotta be like a million times harder with all the natural firepower, sometimes literally fire power, everywhere.

Giant movie scene wall. Full of fun bits. I'll point out a few; MooMoo Milk ad, Pokemon Daycare sign, Surf Shop, a camera with the word SNAP in it, and our vote for most clever goes to the Shiny Shoe Repair sign.

Here, assemble your own figure with this model kit. When you buy it, make sure you use the automatic checkout, too. All the work for you!

Of course we get another picture of the giant Pikachu in the sky. Judging from the position of the sun on this day, it must be around 3pm when we took this.

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