Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Toy Fair pictures coming soon! While I organize the hundreds of photos, here's some random bits to enjoy.

We thought it was fun to see the word "shenanigans" written on a shirt. Because my friend says that word a lot. Sadly he's usually referring to The President like "can you believe what kind of shenanigans Trump is up to now?" Sorry I hate to be included in the #allnewsisaboutTrump thing. How weird is it that this shirt picture is now about Trump? That's some kind of shenanigans.

No more Trump-related pictures, click on the "Read more" below!

Do you think we should be worried about people who mangle plushies, for quality testing purposes? Somepony has to make sure it's safe for kids, but this looks like it's got red flags behavior all over it.

They opened up a new fancy restaurant near work called Yakumanka, where a lunch place used to be. It was kind of expensive for a lunch but pretty large portion and tasty. We highlighted the sandwich we got, this doesn't say, but there are sweet potato chips on the sandwich. My friend usually doesn't like sweet potatoes but on this sandwich it was good. 

Welcome to New Jersey. It's about to snow and Target brings out the shovels and wiper fluid, puts them out right in front of... the swimsuits. What a contrasting bit of merchandise.

Aside from the rainbow coloring of this poop, it's also chocolate scented. Because kids really need to be smelling the poop. Also... for Valentine's Day? Who thought giving poop would be romantic at all?

This Spin Vampire on this yoyo does not look comfortable. Spin her around and around! Is she the type of vampire that deserves that sort of treatment?

It's a good thing we didn't read this package before we saw the show, as this contains a huge spoiler. The show is called RWBY but pronounced like "Ruby" and it's pretty good, so you should probably check it out. Oh, and try to avoid reading this package.

Soul Calibur VI pre-order Talim figures from Best Buy. Specifically marked "NOT FOR RESALE" being sold for $16. Best-Busted! That's quite expensive for a tiny figure you were supposed to get for free.

It's fun to see familiar guest-stars in shows, and even more so on oldies shows. Here's "The Professor" from Gilligan's Island showing up on Wonder Woman. So you just know he got off that island and pursued a career in um, the military?

Do you remember Gary Coleman making a few cameos on Buck Rogers? His character was also from the 20th Century and a prodigy genius, too. What you talkin' 'bout, Buck?

I swear we took these TV pictures on different nights. Here's Alf reading a Transformers comic book. Because Alf is cool like that.

Okay, we are still a long way away from equality. Funny figures with butts for heads? Can you imagine if these were marketed as girl's butts? What kind of outrage would that stir up? Or should we already be outraged even if these are boy butts?

If only there were Blue Turtle Shells for other things besides Mario Kart. Who would you throw it at? How about that long line at the McDonald's? BLAM! I'm next!

Kingdom Hearts cosplay made easy thanks to Hot Topic. I said "easy" not "cheap." Because that hoodie is like $80.

Hey, if you ever wondered what Harley Quinn smells like, they are selling candles of it. Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy, too. Is it okay to smell Poison Ivy, or is that going to hypnotize you or something?

If you missed out on the Statue of Liberty Lego set from many years ago, here's the Lego Movie 2 apocalypse version of it.

It's only $300! Included is a totally Lego-accurate version of the Suicide Squad Harley Quinn figure. The figure they couldn't make because the Suicide Squad movie was not kid-friendly enough to get Lego sets from. Margot Robbie did a line in the movie so this is her for sure.

Eating lunch at McDonald's last weekend. Glance over and see this. Sudden waves of joy upon realizing it's Shamrock Shake Season. It's just a coincidence my name happens to be Minty.

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