Saturday, February 23, 2019

Toy Fair New York 2019 pictures begin!

Welcome to the 2019 New York Toy Fair! If you don't know, this is a business convention to sell toys to stores who will later sell them to customers. Not open to the general public, we still get to go in and grab a bunch of exciting pictures to share!

Nothing like being in a big huge building filled with toys! Do they even need this big sign to tell you that you are at the Toy Fair?

This first bunch of pictures is mostly general walking around stuff. There will be lots of batches of photos keep checking back often! Click on the "Read more" below!

The lobby has a lot of photo op booths, and you could wander into the Javits Center and do a couple even if you couldn't get in the show. We don't know who Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty is, but every part of that name sounds awesome.

We did not know my friend's company's booth had catered lunches for the employees. Good thing we mentioned we had not yet eaten. This was all good.

I mean, look at this stuff. Did we wander into a cooking convention instead? Do we have to judge a winner or something?

Okay back out to the Toy Fair. I think we took pictures of a giant wheel in previous year's coverage, but it's still very impressive. To think, if you bought enough of these things, you could build this yourself in your own home.

It's been a few years since we've seen Exclusive Toy Fair swag, so we were excited by this 1971 Camaro from Maisto Design. Any reason they picked this car? Should me know?

We wandered past this doll with a hashtag #snapstar that you... take selfies of? We didn't stick around for the demo but it looks like there might be a phone app involved.

How tempted was I to jump into a pit of slime? The answer is not very much at all. As a matter of fact, get me off this thing I'm a little too close here.

Just as we thought about it, somebody else put their fingers into our photo to demonstrate how many people were sticking their fingers into these pits of slime. How full of germs they must be? We're not super-germophobes, but there's a lot of common sense lines that were being crossed.

The slime people had a taffy puller thing that looked cool. What is the color called that is like a bright pink orange?

These are little dots or something? Cute is what they are. Sometimes you don't even stop to ask, just get the cute picture and move on.

Claw machine! We probably could have asked to play for free but sometimes they give you the sales pitch instead.

Nothing at all super dangerous about this thing. Look it has those tiny training wheels on it. We should have asked what the top speed was.

What's this? This guy had a huge Jack Skellington puppet, isn't that neat. What's this? It's Minty! Oh what a treat!.... What's this?

Oh.... my.... goodness. It's the T2000 liquid Terminator! No? It's just a metal sculpture of one of those twisty toys. Come with me if you want to live.

They had another wierd actual art gallery sculpture with the twisty thing around it's neck. He don't care, he's looking at his phone. I bet he's checking out Where's Minty on it haha.

 Here's the depressing description of the sculpture. I know we look at toys as if they are art a lot, but seeing actual art like this is kind of a bummer in contrast. Does this photo count as art now, too?

This claw machine was set to free play and nopony around at all. We got a raccoon and an owl and then decided we should stop, but really it felt like we could have emptied it if we wanted. That would have made for a funny story but would we have felt really bad?

 I think this was some kind of microphone/camera set for you car, to turn it into a Carpool Karaoke episode. That guy in the driver's seat is thinking "Is that Minty over there?"

Hey we saw El Toro in the Gravedigger place in North Carolina! I wonder how many cars it squished on it's trip up to New York?

 Giant inflatable sprinkler unicorn? THIS is why we need to buy a house. You can't really get one of these for your apartment.

 Giant Gundam robot! This is still very tiny compared with how big they are actually supposed to be.

As a fan of the Bob Ross Joy of Painting show, I gotta say it would have been cooler of he had one of those fan brushes or the knife thing he uses to make the waves in the water. But even so, this was very cool. That hairdo might be life-sized.

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