Thursday, March 19, 2020

Some Random Toy Fair 2020 pics

There were many pictures taken at the 2020 New York Toy Fair! This group is like random stuff, so maybe you'll see something you'll find interesting.

The lobby had a Lego brick Jacob K. Javits Center. It was much quicker to walk around this, than to walk around the whole building. I don't think we've ever walked around to see the back, so that was kind of neat to check out without the hassle. Having said that, I guess I should have taken a picture of the back of this thing.

I tried to get a picture showing the inside. I'm standing on the glass display cabinet, but it also looks like I'm just giant-sized standing on the street. RAWR!!!! Gimme toys!!!

Here's some regular-sized Minions, made out of Lego bricks, for photo ops in the lobby. "Yawn" says Mega Bloks, who did this like, several years ago. We remember.

Checked our coat and a quick stop in to say "hi" to our friends at Melissa and Doug. Paused to appreciate this adorable little shopping cart. Make sure to teach your kids all about how to shop properly.

The Lego Fortress. The video screen was advertising the Lego Masters TV show. We asked if they had a Baby Yoda to show off and they were all weird about it. I knew they weren't going to show me, but I was sorry I asked, even if I was only kidding about it.

Anybody know any trivia for Lincoln Logs? Is that like, Abraham Lincoln? Did he play with these or something?

Tonka! Ha ha. That's kind of a reference for a friend. They should maybe have a sandbox around here to play with these in, so you could confirm how tough they are.

They Toy Fair has all kinds of these big displays. Here's a city full of super... things. Like Shopkins, but if they were super heroes.

There was a big display full of character, so if you are bored, you can zoom-in and look around to see if you have a favorite um,... thing, and if there is a hero or villain version if it. That Alarm Clock is definitely a villain.

Simpsons Monopoly has clever pieces like Bart's Cart Racer instead of the regular Monopoly Car, and Santa's Little Helper instead of the Dog. Who wants to buy Krustyburger!

Golden Girls board game with funny quotes on the cards. What could the goal for this type of game be? It was just in a display case in a wall, there was no one around to ask.

Free germs! There in here somewhere, you might have to dig around for a while.

Whoooo! It's The Enterprise! Not the Star Trek one, the real one. I mean, this is a real model... of the real Navy ship, Enterprise. Is this for sale, or just a cool display? Even if they only sell one of these to each person serving on that ship, that's still a LOT of people!

We got a good laugh out of this zombie-pile-ball. Who has any idea where it will bounce. The ultimate dodge ball, don't let it touch you!

Playmobil is upping the number of Scooby Doo sets! There were a lot of new ones, you can see a haunted mansion, a graveyard, and this Wild West wagon. We forgot to check, but pretty sure they did not have Sam and Dean Winchester figures in that mansion.

We didn't take a full set of Playmobil pictures this year, but did see these new figures from a line called EverDreamerz. Not too crazy about that name (seriously with a "Z"?) but the figures looked amazing. There's a "Z" in "amazing". Check out the Minty-colored meerkat with a strawberry printed on it's chest. How cool is that?

I think this set will be in blind-boxes. They have some wacky unique cool character designs. Check out the one in the bottom right, looks like she went to a My Little Pony convention!

Playmobil display awkwardly vertical. Who's going to play with them on the wall like this? Is this for some kid living in the closet? Not figuratively; like... literally living in a closet.

 Some kind of Dog Crimes game, looked very funny. Who's a bad boy? Does the loser get one of those shame pictures where they look sad next to the sign that reads "I ate a pillow"?

 How is this the first time we are seeing this concept? It's giant inflatable barriers to toss around the yard as cover for Nerf gun battles. You can clean up your yard a ton better by deflating the pile of tires, instead of dragging around actual tires in piles. Brilliant.

 We thought Ricky Zoom was a cool name, and this motorcycle is cool looking, too. There was some kind of cartoon playing, should we know about Ricky Zoom?

 Cory Carson is maybe the absolute cutest car ever. There's a Netflix logo there, so check him out if you want. Why would there be a show about cars for such a young demographic? Not like they can drive.

 Chip n Dale in a mansion of a tree house. They have lots of nuts, they can afford it.

 This South Park figure of Cartman dressed up as A.W.E.S.O.M.E.-O reminded us how funny that episode was. Is that a roll of toothpaste he was eating because he was acting like a robot and was starving? Perfect example of how the humor on that show is only for adults. Kids... don't eat toothpaste. It's funny for adults because we know you don't actually eat toothpaste.

 Does Kiss get any royalties over that black and white rock makeup scheme on things, or does Spongebob get away with this? Either way, they both rock.

 Saw this Conan statue and thought... Some day I will have my own cabinet, my own figure.

Is this a photo op for eating ramen with Naruto? You see how he's totally slurping up the noodles? That's considered the polite way to eat them in Japan.

 Prince Charming? How long ago was Once Upon a Time popular? It's probably only been a few years but it seems like it was ages ago. Like really once upon a time ago. Back when my friend still believed in fairy tales.

 And I'll bring it back to funny with the Yanket from Family Guy. If you don't know what the Yanket cut-away was, ask Google and then laugh that they really made one.

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