Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Picture Fest

 Guess what? More pictures! And fun comments, too.

When we visit Princeton, we typically park far away in the neighborhood streets. It's more to avoid the "hassle" of parking where the meters are with putting coins in and worrying about times, and maybe we get some walking exercise, too. This day there were odd crowds around specific houses, and people playing live music and stuff. You'll need to zoom in to see those people on the porch up there, I was too shy to get up all in their faces for a better picture.

Another live band with a crowd. The acts were spaced apart enough that the noise didn't overlap.

I finally see a sign, looks like this is something called Porchfest. It's like the type of thing you see on a suburban drama TV show, as an excuse for the characters to "go out and party" yet, here it is, it's really a thing. Am I in a show?

I like the clever packaging here of the graffiti behind this Playmobil guy, it's even the same colors as the paint cans he's holding. And I feel like I want to say it's a good thing that this package implies the Graffiti Guy is a criminal by including a Police Guy, but I kinda like graffiti in general, so I hope the dude gets away.

Just when I thought somebody had actually bought the $500 Playmobil Enterprise, because I didn't see it on the shelf anymore, it looks like they moved it to the front display window. So now anybody who will want it as a "collectible" will have to deal with a sun-faded box, unless they get it soon.

These picture-perfect tulips knew they were, because everybody was stopping to get pictures of them! I had to wait a few moments to get a clear picture myself.

One last picture of a Porchfest performer. This guy was doing rap songs and the lyrics seemed maybe not appropriate for everybody. Still, he was talented. Have you ever tried to rap? It's not as easy as you'd think.

I laughed at this "swoosh" mark sign, and thought it would be just as wierd, maybe even more so, if the sign instead said "NIKE" Because they don't ever use that name, just the swoosh. Even typing "Nike" out feels weird, like, is that how it's spelled?

Random package fail that caught our eye as we walked past. This is named "Wild Thing" yet they use the most domesticated-looking, nerdy-glasses, dopey-smiling yellow lab. That is not what people think of as "Wild". Those skulls on the neckerchief aren't fooling anyone.

Another epic fail picture. A closed store that says Grand Opening. Yikes. Knockout in the first round.

One of the funny things about Donald Duck is his crazy voice and you have trouble understanding what he is saying. Can you imagine the two of these Angel and Devil guys trying to give you advice? That's funny even without needing any kind of situation to debate.

In the very first episode of Squid Games the guy is so down on his luck that he's desperately trying to win a birthday gift for his daughter out of a claw machine. No spoilers, but it's not these adorable things in the show in that claw machine. Only 4 tokens? Yeah!

I turn around to get some tokens and OUCH the tokens are $1 each! Argh are you kidding me?! But also, that's the same type of funny-yet-not-funny tone the Squid Games series has, so it's actually kind of funny now.

We've been thinking for a while about getting one of those silly ringy-ring bells for our bicycle, and I laughed when I saw this one. It's got a unicorn in a spaceship! Space Unicorn! AHH!!!! My friend say "Um.... no". 

I found a new giant thrift shop near where the old OCB used to be. I have a friend who's a huge fan of thrift shop book sections so they might enjoy seeing this unusually large amount of thrift shop books. So many books!

There's a restaurant in Virginia that my friends have all been trying to get me to try, but every time I visit there's just never a good day, or they are closed, or something. Well it turns out they are building a Raising Cane's near me, so I'll eventually get to see what all the hype is about.

I solved the puzzle challenge! The first "E" is backwards! But seriously this looks like fun. Or torture. One of those.

I made myself laugh pretty good at the thought of brining this on an airplane just to be a jerk about it. I could legit say I brought a Bomb Kit onto an airplane. I'd never try of course, because there's an equal chance the TSA people would lock me up, just to be a jerk about it to me trying to be a jerk about it.

This Target is going all-in on the car charging stations. Welcome to the future! Someday we'll look back on things like this and it will be crazy we didn't have this a longer time ago. Probably.

Somebody is throwing away that tire? It still looks good. You think they'd still need the rim at least.

I circled this bird so you could see it. I saw it but it was frozen in place completely. I chirped at it a few times and even threw down a squirrel treat which landed behind it. A different bird jumped out of the bush and grabbed the treat while this one just didn't move at all, for a couple of minutes at least. I seriously thought it might be dead or something. But after I walked away I saw it hop back into the bush, so... whew. I'm glad it's okay but that thing has got some serious commitment to the freeze act.

I gotta say this Bob's Burgers show is consistently still very funny, so I'm glad they are getting a movie while they are still making episodes. Typically this is a move to give the voice actors "a ton more money" because Hollywood rules allow them to only make so much for voice acting on shows. And this cast deserves more moneys.

This was the first day we brought our own bags into the Target store, so get a picture of it? Whatever, I guess it's not that big of a historic moment, but I got a picture anyway.

I like how the sign points out it's not thier fault. Don't get mad at them. There were similar signs in restaurants about the plastic straws they recently outlawed.

I have no idea who this character is, but still, the Amiibo figures are top-quality collectibles. They have been all along and I guess it's just nice to see them still making the best figures no matter what game they are from.

Guess what day it is at work? I don't know Spanish, are we all getting five mayonaise sandwiches? Haha just kidding.

It's a little lame, but of course we get some Taco Bell for lunch that day. And a silly holiday-spirit picture of said meal.

No spoilers, but I could go on a whole rant about the goods and bads of this movie, it feels like I myself am having a multiverse of madness of likes and dislikes about the various things that happened in the Dr. Strange movie. Was that the point? Strange.

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