Sorry for the delay, I thought I had some content scheduled to post on it's own, and I guess I wasn't paying attention. I was not totally distracted by the new Zelda game. Oh wait, I was totally distracted by the awesome new Zelda game. Here, have some random pics from a while ago:

I'm trying to think about some kind of joke involving Darth Vader and his burnt-up cookies, but it sounds too painful or mean. The poor guy was burned-up, himself, so I don't think any sort of burnt joke is okay to say.

All of the letters were there, but I was in a lazy mood and did not feel like getting a picture that said MINTY. Why are G, Q, and X the only missing letters?

I saw this and was a little shocked, what with the current trend of super-tolerance. It would have been cute for young boys, even only a few years ago, but now it's like... why can't I go in? Listen kid, you shouldn't discriminate against girls.

It's "word-y" but helpful. It's your fault for not reading this on the front door if the dogs bark, get yelled at, and chaos.

These flowers were so much pink-er in real life than this picture shows. Good to know reality is better than pictures, sometimes.

The Masked Singer is such a good show, but still it's an unexpected theme for Happy Meal toys. It's a sneaky backwards way of getting toys for celebrities that might not normally get this sort of merchandise. Just seeing these makes me wonder why they don't have real-er toys for the show, the costumes are amazing and would make great action figures! Push a button, it plays a song... take off the head to reveal the celebrity...

Saw the Mario Bros movie on opening day. It was good. It was fun that the Peaches song was my favorite part of the movie, and then later that became a thing where everybody played that silly thing over and over again. I can't wait for more sequels. This did make enough money to get sequels, right?

Did Mega-Bloks get another re-branding name change? Why does this say Mega Unboxed? Also funny that the logo shows the bricks. Like a slap in the face of Lego, see those bricks with the circles on them over the logo? Ha-HA!

What is this thing? Look at the size of that peanut! Or... maybe it's a really small pigeon?

Stop in my tracks with a record scratch noise. Um... is that a shirtless woman on the cover of that book? Right in the middle of a Barnes and Noble? Yeah, I know it's "ART!" but seriously?

The best part of the movie! I am Groot! NO! That's exactly what you just said! How is that even possible?!

My friend thought about getting one of these to make his Mom happy that he bought a plant. It's cute, and you don't have to water it.

Wow. I don't have any words for the enourmous injustice going on here. The original Megatron transformed into a gun, but due to immediate cultural sensitivity, he was not allowed to be a gun again. We get Megatron tanks and space-planes and cannon-things, but never again a gun. And here's a brand new toy for the leader of the good guys, Optimus Prime himself, and HE gets to turn into a gun? Not only that, but it actually SHOOTS Nerf ammo!

Check out the cereal mascots in Guardians of The Galaxy uniforms! That's so awesome. Did they put Mantis with the Bee because they both have antenna?

Even the little Cinnamon Toast piece is wearing the uniform! It's sooooo silly, but in the best possible way.

I thought it was neat that the triceratops dart gun had three barrels. Tri-gun-atops?

HA! Make sure to hit them right in the face. Just like the pictures show. But Mom, it shows it right on the package! That boy is not even wearing the safety glasses.

A plushie gummi bear? Does making it scented make it cruel somehow? You can't eat it. Just get some real Haribo gummi bears and keep them next to it.

I can't, can I? The joke is just too easy. Ugh, I guess so: That's one Monster Weiner.

The best twist of a dialogue line for a Valentine's message. The Mandalorian always says "Wherever I go, he goes."

This plush bear had a fan that spun and showed the lighted message floating around it. What cool tech for a holiday preseant.

Much like the popcorn Jelly Belly beans, I think these might be mind-blowing to taste like Krispy Kreme but not "feel" like them in your mouth. I was not tempted to try it. Pretty sure it would be too weird.

It was POORING rain that day. Look at the whirlpool going into the drain spot! We sat in the car waiting for it to slow down, at least a little, before running into the mall.

Had to get a closer picture of the vortex. So much water!

Oh no! It doesn't look like they will, in fact, be back in 30 minutes.

That was the second-hand Lego store. They sold old sets at high prices, and individual figures. There's another mall, that's farther away, that has a similar store. But looks like the closer one was not able to keep up.

Reva. They called her series Obi-Wan Kenobi, but really it was her story. She gets stabbed right through her chest with a lightsaber, but is somehow totally fine moments later. It's cool because earlier in the show, she stabbed someone else right through the chest, and it turns out they were okay, too. Qui-Gon Jinn shows up later and was like, anybody want to tell me how that's possible?

Once again I find the new minifigure packs, before the official release date, at a Toys R Us section in Macy's. Toys R Us was famous for putting sets out early. The rumor was Lego would fine them for breaking the "street dates" but Toys R Us simply paid the fines.

I saw this with the cartoon style Presidents on them, and thought "Oh, no. Does that mean Trump is now included in this type of thing?" That sounds a lot worse than I want it to. I mean, the guy did an okay job being President for the most part.

Sure enough, this even has Grandpa Joe on it, as well. It just shows how modern media influences opinions. How many of these other Presidents would be torn apart under today's microscopes? It feels a little un-cool to even suggest that.

I found the last two Guardians-themed cereal boxes. The Cookie Crisp dog used to be a criminal, I think, so it makes sense to pair him with Nebula who started out as a bad guy. And Reeses Pieces cereal doesn't have a mascot?
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